hey i have noticed bucks moving early and often for this time of year and alot more scrapes it seems weird to me does anybody else notice any of this
I have only seen one buck in the woods, but Im seeing tons of scrapes and rubs, just not the guys doing it..
well thanks for the input im just tryin to figure out whats going on around here something just seems different
thwacked, Im only seeing this one or two of my properties, mainly one with all the scrapes..yesterday I sat at the end of a swamp on a small oak flat, it's about 50X50 yds and there were 4 hot scrapes and 5 rubs just in that area and lots of acorns and droppings, but not a single deer. I counted 52 scrapes on that property sunday, but not a deer has been sighted!! I just don't get it.
I'm seeing a few fresh rubs, and the same three 1.5yr olds regularly. That's more than usual this time of year for me, but no big boys yet.
Yes, I've seen a LOT of movement for this early in the season. I think we have a couple of resident bucks this year on the property. Between myself, Rob, and Dan......there have been 7 different bucks sighted over 2 days of hunting. The deer are ALL in the acorns right now it seems. Can't wait to see what we have roaming Dan's NY property this weekend for the opener.......I'm betting something hits the ground this weekend.