Well my strings arrived on Saturday morning and today i had chance to string my Halo , apply furry balls , Nock and set Brace height at 6 and 3/4" . To be honest after nearly 6 -8 weeks of not shooting her i expected to shoot everywhere but the target , but instead it felt great . I'm shooting exactly the same as before , no loss of form and grinning from ear to ear . I love my longbow , i had to resort to shooting my X-Force for a while and to be honest every shot was quite predictable . Oh yeah and i have got rid of my virus from my PC , so expect to hear more from me . Thanks Russ , you are a star mate .
Glad to hear it...sleep just comes easier at night when the arrows are hitting where you want them to
Davew. Dang mate don't go posting things like that. People will start to think I am a good guy or something:D I shot my bow yesterday the first time I have shot it in months, shot a total of 15, 4 arrow groups with the worst group about a 6" spread. Bob. Ya gettin old mate thats all:p
Bob, that's not the case with Russ' bows. He infuses them with the very same mind of their owner. In my case, for example, I merely think about pulling her back and the bow simply assumes that position. These Kanga bows are perfect beautiful ladies. There's no fighting to get them to do what you want! Have you seen the muscles on Dave? I've tossed rotten peaches away which were more firm than those little puppies.....LOL Dave, I have that book by Jerermiah Johnson (Mark Thomas) "Where Aadventure Meets Discovery" sitting on my desk. Do you want to wait and pick it up here or shall I mail it to you? He gave me another copy to pass around. It's the perfect read for a day in a treestand. Russ, you get it first-read it, sign your name, and send it forward.
Hahaha , Will you know i'm a British beefcake with enough muscle to pull back my bow . I'd really appreciate it if you could mail it to me Will , i'm all out of good reading ( i'm waiting for the next Bowhunter magazine to arrive to give me my monthly fix of hunting lol ) . let me know how much and i'll paypal ya
While i'm here , i had a great day stumping about my uncles farm . Still not cracked the distance judging yet , i always fall a little short . Experience should sort that out i think , took a piccy or two so i will post'em when i learn how too ..
i only managed a couple of pictures but fun day all the same . I'm open to criticism on my form ....again . The second picture shows how close i was to hitting the log at 17 yds ( i took a chunk of bark off it ) .The 3rd picture shows that the deer are still using the wallow , but i did not see them this time round .