LMAO Im going down in the basement to hurl some iron, and in between sets im going to be bouncing ping pong balls at cups to see what im up against :D
Chandeliers= more players at one time and more consumption. Pong= less players playing with their balls.
There's no bouncing old man, if you bounce the opponent can reject... you need to practice your "nothing but beer" into a solo cup! Raceway, those games are ancient. Beer pong is as serious as a heart attack!
The little waitress at the cafe did give you a senior citizen discount. I'm 207 lbs of agility and speed this year... the OH-OK connection will live on! Raceway... 30lbs would be on the light side... he does have 10 fingers!
HA, you know what they say goes along with guys with BIG HANDS :D So there is some more weight >>>looks like a babys arm holding an apple<<<
Me and Beagle are making a custom table just for the G2G! going to get the supplies of friday. Its gonna be sweet!