Mike- You are acclimated to the tundra Many of us leave our 74 degree office environment only to suffer from shellshock once that brisk morning air knocks. It took me 20 minutes alone to regain feeling in my hands after taking off my gloves in stand to put on my coat this morning! I remember back when I worked the trades and I can't remember getting cold with as much clothing as I wore today! Tomorrow will be another fun morning but it beats chores at the crib! As for you Christine, well I am speechless.
We got a high of 32, and wind (7-10 going 3-6) from the south, turning southwest. That is for tomorrow. I will be going out.
I here ya, i barely survived it. A grilled cheese sandwich and chicken noodle soup didnt even help after :d
Christine,,,,,,,cudos to ya.. I know what that consiste of, i did it for many many years :d I even skined and fleshed and streatched everything including beaver. can i still be considered tough even though i dont do it anymore??