I have watched bucks scratch themselves with their antlers and rub places raw on their hides trying to get rid of pesky ticks. I have shot several bucks with bare patches on their backs. I bet your buck was doing the same. They tip their heads straight back and rub their backs with the tines.
Yeah, I've spent some time up in the boundary waters and have had some pretty bad tick experiences until I started using Permethrin. On one of my trips, my buddy and I treated our clothes and only found one tick the whole trip. Some other folks that I know from a BW forum said they were literally picking hundreds off a day.
The buck I shot 2 years ago had several of those places. The hair was rubbed almost completely off the hide. Kinda sucks because they are on the mount, but I guess that just gives him character.
I guess I'm lucky. I haven't had a deer tick on me for a while and I haven't seen any ticks since the beginning of the season. I didn't even find any on my doe.
Thanks, weird thing is I never saw him on trail camera. Makes me think I need to rethink where I place cameras, I am starting to think camera placement is like tree stands you have to find the spot on the spot to get the best pictures of what is actually moving thru the property.
Congrats Sota! Great buck! I don't know how you last 2 hour on stand I bet you are worn out! Haha. Do you have any plans to hunt out of state to get your deer hunting fix? Also do you have a update on your Barnsdale limbs? I'm still looking to get a set, but want to hear from someone that has them.
I would not hesitate to recommend Barnsdale limbs, my guy at the bowshop was impressed with the fit and finish of the limbs when he reassembled the bow. I ordered 75# limbs, with the bow assembled and the limbs cranked down the draw weight is actually 80#. The bow is shooting better than new and plus no more looking at the ugly stock graphics on my destroyer. I will get my deer hunting fix here in a couple of weeks when I head over to Northern Wisconsin deer camp. I have a friend that flies back from california I pick him up in Minneapolis and we head up to his families deer camp. I suck at gun hunting so I go to camp to help make breakfast, bag lunches and dinner. Last two years have been extra enjoyable because in camp if you want to eat venison it is Minnesota venison, low deer numbers and refusal to shoot does because of the low numbers has lead to no fresh camp meat.
Thanks, I think I have it figured out last two seasons I have sat a total of 4 times and collected close to 270" of antler.
Thanks for the update, just what I wanted to hear. I'm going to order a set this winter. I love deer camp the best part is hanging around with your buddy's, eating unhealthy food and the bs. If you go hunting it's just a bonus! Good luck out there and thanks
Got the call from the taxidermist the skull is done, ordered a base on the e-bay I have to get the arrow fletched but I have all the components to construct the lamp just need to find a proper shade.
I haven't had any run ins with deer ticks, but I PULLED 6 woods/dog ticks off of me during Nov this season. Most ever, by far! I'm thinking the warm temps made that possible. I also think the numerous dark to dark hunts had a lot to do with it as well. Sitting all that time gives those bastards plenty of time to get "dug in" and you don't even feel it! They leave me with a scar every time. My buck was loaded with them! Sota, congrats on your buck!