Thanks everybody. Just popped in at work (not to far from the hospital) to check on things here and hop on. Honestly, I am beat tired and have a splitting headache.....but still grinning. Hudson Benjamin Meckbach, 6 pounds 7 ounces, 21 inches long and lean, was born 9:29 am on Monday morning. He and Mom are great, he is eating better than most of the nurses have seen in quite sometime(go figure, takes after his dad). I will get some pics up tomorrow cause I have to come back here for more than just a few. Thanks fellas.
He might have been long and lean, but we know what happens mid twenties... Can't wait to meet him! I'll be passing through Friday so I'll probably see you both then.
I haven't given up my 2xl Fall Grey long sleeve tee to be cut up into a one zee(spelling?)or two yet and Kate has most of the good pics on the camera, but here is a shot of the little devil off my camera phone. I get to get a solid night's sleep tonight at home and then go get them tomorrow. Sidebar. After a week of bad headaches, I went to my own doc today to figure some stuff out and got sent to have my cat scanned as he was worried about something in my brain. After being scared poopless for a half hour, I got the all clear call from the doc. Man, it makes ya thankful. Thanks for the kind words fellas.