I have already have a couple mounted so no big deal if I don't. I also will be able to do what I want at the son's farm as far as food plots and have more acres to hunt, will have to learn how to hunt farm country bucks.
Good luck to you. I was out last night and the wind went right through me too. Looks like the weather is gonna be great for the next wee. Dress warm!
Saw 10 does with their fawns and watched the turkeys fly up to roost, saw a couple of button bugs. kinda regretted not putting the long johns on. Made it a little over 2-1/2 hours, half hour after sun set I was ready to be down.
Don't feel like such a baby about the cold, went outside this morning and the front pond has ice on it.
sota, good luck! Weather here is getting colder, down into the 30s. Born in Ohio and I know what cold weather is like. Down here in TN, if it is under 40, it is cold to the locals.
I am hunting tomorrow, I am feeling much better. Feeling it going to hunt Thursday, Saturday, and just try to do an partial all day sit Monday.
I sat for the first time the other day, saw 10 does and their fawns with a few yearlings and watched turkeys fly up to roost and I was pissed, I hate does and fawns, I like big bucks and I will not lie. Been 3 years a decent buck better show.
14 degrees this morning when I was drying the last load of corn for the night. I'm just not ready for this weather yet. What area is your son's farm?
Daughter and Son in law's farm is near Rice up hwy 10. The direction we hope to move, not that far off. Starting to think about a place on the Mississippi.