Well I usually wait till halloween to hunt, this year a little different I am going to start a little earlier. Sunday October 27 is my opening day will see if the muscle relaxers and tens machine work well enough so I can sit 3 hours without the last hour and a half being pure misery.
Good luck! It's funny you say this. The first year I joined, buckless. Then 2nd year, buckless! But finally 3rd year I got my buck. There definitely is a jinx! Also if you post a pic on the fourm of the buck your after, another jinx! Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
If anything, hunting on muscle relaxers will be awesome! I tore my quad in college and on the bus ride home it started to spasm bad. One muscle relaxant later and I was in a good place. Ha Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Hope you put down s slob. Would b a nice parting gift for your last year on the ranch. Sent from my RS501 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
Sota giddy? Id make the trip and pay admission... Sent from my RS501 using Bowhunting.com Forums mobile app
I was froze to the bone tonight... Haven’t been that cold while hunting in a very long time. That wind cut right through all 3 of my layers. 0 sightings which was disappointing You have any luck? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Good luck, hope you get to see a monster in range! Kind of a lose-lose situation though isn't it? Get a toad and you'll really regret selling the place. Don't get a good one and, well, you didn't get to shoot a good one. Gotta be bitter-sweet for you. No matter what happens, just keep repeating, "No more horses to look after, no more horses to look after..."