You can now use crossbows in the Texas archery only season I'm kind of a when it comes to x-bows during archery season even though I KNOW it will bring more people into the woods and the sport. But, you don't know all the crazy yahoos in East Texas. It's bad enough during gun season, but now bow season.... I'm kind of split down the middle on this one. I feel like I'm being selfish not wanting to share our bow season with more hunters. But then again, I know quite a few that will be new to our part of the season and won't become efficient with their x-bow because they think it's just like a rifle. I have talked to a few gun hunters here at work and one of the three I talked to thought that a x-bow was accurate out to 100 yards!:huh: I just hope I don't see deer with bolts in em running around the woods this year
I believe our bowhunters assoc did the same Correct me if I'm wrong fellow Texans Agreed. There is a lot of pressure where I hunt (at my spot close to home) and I just don't want to see the guy next door, typically toting a rifle during Nov-Dec, to take a 50 yard shot with his new x-bow and wound the buck I've been scouting. But having said that, I feel selfish because he does have the same ammount of right to be out there as I do
"You can now use crossbows in the Texas archery only season" thats nothing, they just passed a law in Maine today that lets homos marry,
Let me start by saying I don't own or hunt with a crossbow, never have. But these arguements are almost all the same...."the crossbow guy is a slob that will gimp every deer in 3 counties". If the state of IL opened a seperate crossbow season, I'd buy one just to hunt a little more. That doesn't mean that I would forget everything about physics of arrow flight. No offense Jim, but these xbow vs the world arguements usually boil down to one thing. Somebody, somewhere, is doing something a little easier and the compound/traditional hunters get their collective panties in a bunch. At the end of the day, its just another way to kill a deer. Why anyone would be against someone who is hunting legally......baffles me to say the least.