Jeff for what its worth I did get the year of the cat reference. I'll look forward to seeing pics. Unfortunatly, (not), I'll be at the lease all weekend so I won't see them until monday. Hey Dustin call me with an update if you get a chance. I'll have my cell all weekend.
I wish we had more to report, but.........We don't. I shot one with a Maniac Friday evening and just left a ridiculous blood trail, but after about 5 or 6 hours of tracking we came up empty. I don't know what we or I could have done differently. They're just tough animals. I saw 18 or 20 hogs friday evening and that was it. The hogs were just not cooperating. Somehow they got word that we were in town and I believe they ran for their lives. Keep an eye out we're each going to be posting threads with some pictures and stuff. We had an incredibly good time rocking out to Casey Donahue, eating and BS'ing.