Some of you might get the impression that i live in monster buck paradise from the videos and pictures that i always upload. But my little chunk of Ohio has a dirty secret :evil: Not every buck running around these parts is a pope and young cover story. In fact, we have a strain of whitetails that show up every year that are, by trophy hunting standards, weaklings. See i actually get hundreds of pictures every year of scrub bucks with deformed racks, undeveloped points, curly main beams....the works. Heres some pics of what im talking about: So next time your thinking of mustering up the courage to ask permission to hunt the Siman farm with me and Isaac, make sure you have your sights on the right caliber of deer will be over with then. :d Just think...freak daddy might have started out the same way (as the above bucks).
Dude.... are you serious You have a 200" buck running around on your property and you want to post photos and talk about small bucks... :evil: :d :d
Um, these deer are on lots of peoples properties. Me personally I enjoy all the photos, even the does. I inventory them and look for trends. I have a ton of younger bucks that come to my mineral sites every night, but that doesn't mean the big boys aren't around. Watch them grow such as your twins and then take great satisfaction in the history you have with your deer. Hunt smarter not harder. You've shown the big boys, so they are there, now formulate a plan and kill one ;-)
Dude, you've got it rough...I feel for you :D <----- That is the only simley I know how to make currently :D :D If I were you I would just move to SW Arizona. You would probably have a better chance at stalking a monster there.