I am in the final stretch for our trip and I will be leaving for New Mexico for our archery hunt in the Gila (unit 16B). My mother is still with us and will be staying with my wife during this time. Needless to say I owe alot to my wife Audrey (if she may read this) to help me make this years trip possible. As some of you know, my mom has had some recent medical issues and she moved in with us during this time. I hope that I come back with some news like Rob did in Wyoming, and maybe PABuck_HNTR will have to "Spread the Word" Needless to say, is it Tuesday yet ???? Its gonna be a long week
Doesn't seem like it will. She has been in and out of Hamot getting tests done. She does have a tumor, now its a matter of how to get it removed. It will be a long road and the prayers are well received...
Rob, I wish you the best, both for your trip & for your Mom's health & the rest of your family. May everything turn out well.
I am not sure if you have hunted 16B or a surrounding unit before, but you will be in for a real treat either way. I have hunted 16E on multiple occasions and it doesn't get any better. Good luck.
Hey Bro, do you have a path worn out in the concrete in the garage from all the walking back and forth checking and re checking your gear bags? Have you worn out the zippers yet? LOL
Sounds like you have talked to my wife..I have been in and out of the garage almost nightly..:D:D Working on some video for this hunt....trying to plan that part out as well and make sure I have enough tapes.
It'll be here soon enuf. Good luck to you out there. Nothing like looking foward to a huntin trip away from home.
Nope I just know how you get. I know how prepared you like to be so I figured it was a good assumption that you had a path wearing in the garage floor.