<3 weeks.. Evening low temps at the base of the CO mountains near where we will be hunting are presently in the low 40s (highs 60s-70s)...no snow in the next 2 wk forecast, yet. A nice distraction to check on, while it's 90+ at home, got a couple more weeks... Meanwhile, we wait for teams and most of our seasons to open.
Dang, this heat is squelched any desire to even THINK about hunting. Bear season starts on Sept 1 but have zero desire to take one until Temps cool off.
This is the 10 day forecast for where I hunt. Season opens the 15th and while I know I won't be hunting opening still pretty nasty doesn't feel very fall with those highs
Last year was the first time I could buck hunt in Sept. I hunted multiple days between 90 and 100. Bucks were moving and eating well before dark under the shadows of the canopy. If I have the time I'm hunting, even in hot temps.
Hot weather only keeps the hunters away. Bucks got to eat. I love and embrace hunting in the heat. Best time of the year to shoot a buck. I would pick first week of September over any week in November. Hunting relaxed bucks on a feeding pattern and major thermal swings in the evening, nothing compares to me! Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
I had a chance to go sneak a sun down peak at the farmers bean field...... Only one lone doe on the entire field. Did find droppings in the low plot I sprayed that's something . Hhhmmmm