This right here is why I love this forum. Great group of guys on here. I don't interact or post much on here but I'm usually on here. Maybe one day I'll get to meet some of you guys. I was on Joe's team last year, great guy. Didn't get us any points but..... jk just giving ya crap Joe! lol But great group of guys on here.
I know enough about your style. You wont regret it VS. its the best thing i ever did for hunting public and hang n hunt. I do agree a nice lonewolf platform has its places but ive gotten used to the tension feeling of being connected to the tree so when i go back to a platform i just dont feel right. I like to lean against the rope and feel connected at all times. I may purchase another saddle here soon. If i do ill meet up with you and youre more than welcome to try out my tethrd phantom. Im looking at a latitude. edit: Nvm just saw the other offers from all these awesome dudes.
2023 Started in the Spring with a Bear hunt. Then I just came back from a Pronghorn Hunt in Nevada. Sept, I will be chasing mule deer. Then on to KY, Illinois and NY for Whitetails for the rest of the fall.
I’ve been practicing with the new Spot Hogg Wiseguy release and I’m really liking it. I put a new string loop on my V3 a while ago and then I went out to shoot a few arrows. I stepped up to my 50 yard line to start, shot four arrows and got a 2” group. I almost quit while I was ahead but I decided to shoot four more on a walk back and did very well. I’m pretty sure I’m going to love this release.
Went to the farm this weekend and cleared shooting lanes and cleared the wasps from the stands. Put up some new cameras and changed batteries in old cameras. Ready and waiting now till November.
Wow hunting weather today! 65 is the hogh but 62 here and 50 tonight. Hope Sept 9 -17 is about the same, minus winds.
I finally bit the bullet and ordered the ShotIQ course this week. I went through the full thing on Tuesday night and have gone through a few indoor shooting sessions since then. I'm really working on my form & process right now before I move outside. Only two weeks until I'm in Kentucky with @bloodcrick and I need to get myself whipped into shape! I also started building some new arrows last night. FMJ 340's with Tac driver vanes this year. I haven't decided if I'm going with the standard or brass HIT just yet. With the standard HIT and an Iron Will impact collar I'm right at 500-ish grains. The brass 50 grain bumps me to about 530. I may do one of both and see which one tunes & flies the best before I finish up the rest of the dozen. Tis the season!!
Im sick of honey-do’s. I still have more to do but if i dont get some arrows built this weekend i may start a mild panic attack. I really need to start shooting. A whole can of PB BLASTER wouldnt get all the rust off my shoulder. Not even Kroil!
I was looking today at the Accubow. Does anyone have one? It looks like it would be a good training aid to keep your muscles in shape in the offseason.
Save your money and just shoot in the offseason. Join a club and do some 3D shoots if that helps keep you motivated.
I agree - just find a way to shoot your real bow more. And lift weights. You'll be much further ahead than playing with that stupid Accubow. I've finally got my hunting bow dialed in and shooting how I want it. I've opted for the Mathews Phase 4 29 to start my season. This weekend I got it tuned and started sighting it in, but I noticed some nock pinch when I drew back, which was bothering the crap out of me. So I cut off my string loop and nocking points and redid everything. Wich required me to re-tune everything since my original nocking point height and nock pinch was throwing things out of whack. Honestly, I should have figured that out when I had to adjust my center shot outside the factory 13/16" spec to get a bullet the first time around. I knew something wasn't right but ignored it, which is never the right thing to do. After a retune and some rest adjustments, I was back to a perfectly level arrow, 13/16" center shot, and a perfect bullet hole. A few sight pin tweaks, and I'm back in business at 20 yards. Now it's time to shoot, shoot, and then shoot some more.
Ok thanks. I was just wondering about those things. The videos make it look pretty cool. Haha. Of course, videos always do.
I actually bought one. It's fun for letting the nephews play with but it serves absolutely no training reason. It actually made me go cross eye dominant. It switched me from right to left. It took several weeks to get back to shooting right. I don't even pick it up any more. Just a big Ole paperweight. Sent from my SM-S911U using Tapatalk