There you go! Haha Yes I like the Boa. I have it on a pair of shoes and they have been great, would have no problem using them on a release. Also the boa system is replaceable if broken, which is awesome. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
Just went out and shot 50 arrows with the Wiseguy. I took the Heli-m out since it’s set at 60#. I toed the line at 20 yards and my first arrow sailed right over the target. What the…..? I looked at my sight and it was still dialed to 50 yards from the last time I shot it. Went and found that arrow and then shot a 5 arrow group at 20. This release feels so different because the trigger is farther forward but I seem to shoot fairly decent with it. If you look close you'll see that I broke one of my nocks. The trigger is light so I should probably put a half turn counter-clockwise to add more tension. When I was shooting at 50 yards I had one arrow launch before I was ready. I was still trying to settle the pin and off the arrow went like my bow had a mind of its own. I can only imagine what would happen when a deer is in front of me.
Shot today as well. Close up to 50 yards. Have some form work to do. A September Swamp buck sounds good.
I tried it a long time ago and I still end up with the same wear. Oh well. Putting a string loop on isn't difficult at all. I guess I'll just start using my new release.
You have that thing all the way out on the length. Try shorten it down to match the distance of old release. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
I guess I could try that, but if I shorten it the hook moves back too, so in effect I would be pulling the string back farther and increasing my draw length which would alter the entire sight picture/anchor point routine, right? It's adjusted so that the hook is in the same position as my Hardcore.
Draw length is fixed, so brings elbow closer to your head. Just make sure your anchor stays the same on your face. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
I just took a closer look at the Wiseguy and the Hardcore side by side. The hook and the trigger are in the same place. The difference is that the Hardcore trigger is swept back and the Wiseguy trigger is straight out, albeit with a bit of a curve. Besides that I think the real difference I'm feeling is that the Hardcore has a swivel feature that the Wiseguy doesn't have, so the trigger on the Wiseguy sits higher at full draw. It's just something I'll have to get used to.
Shot T-Handles for years because that’s what everyone tells you to do. After being unhappy with it for 5-6 seasons, I went back to a wrist strap in 2018. Believe it or not, it came down to the hardcore vs the wise guy. I thought the hardcore would be my go to but I noticed that the curved design sort of coaxed me into poor head position. The straight line design of the wise guy forces me to be strict with my head, hand and elbow position thus a repeating anchor. I believe you can achieve with any release of course, but the wise guy had the sensitivity I wanted and seems to have been the best option to have an easily repeatable anchor point. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Ha! Figure the odds. That could be why I shot better with it. Did you adjust the tension on your trigger or did you leave it set light? I swear, if I breathe in this one it’ll launch.
I'm pretty sure I have never been this far behind in my deer hunting preparation, which should mean that I'll shoot the biggest buck of my life this fall! Todd and I picked up a new lease late last year that I have yet to step foot on. At the rate things are going, I will likely not be on the property until sometime in mid-October. Which means show up, scout, and hunt. It's 4 hours from home. I don't have a single trail camera out in the woods unless you count the 1 or 2 I'm sure I have deployed last season and have since forgotten about. I have no foot plots of any sort, anywhere. I set up a new bow about two weeks ago and haven't even finished tuning it yet. I thought I was going to get a break when my son's baseball season was over, but we rolled right into football for him and cheer for my daughter, which is even more time! And he's trying to play fall baseball on top of it. And I'm trying to get some time on the boat either towing the kids around on tubes or fishing for myself.
@LittleChief There has to be a rough spot or burr to cause that kind of d-loop wear. You said you polished the top of the hook, perhaps there's still a burr somewhere else. Try taking a q-tip and spinning it around on the inside portion and edges of the hook, they work great at finding rough spots, fibers will snag and show in the bad spot.
I tried the q-tip earlier and found no burrs. It looks perfect. Maybe something about the way I draw is causing it.