It wont be long we will be getting those semi cool mornings and a hint of fall in the air. Corn and bean fields will be browning up, and the leaves will start to change colors. Getting kinda wound up already about it. Im doing a lil out of state Bowhunting this season, so first week of September will be my start. what about yall ??
yep Missouri here too so Sept 15 Ive always waited until around Halloween to but I think aim really going to give early season a try this year. Im in a position this year that I should be able to take a bit of PTO and so a handful of 2 day hunts.
I hate to do it, but I'm actually going to have to skip Kentucky this year and focus on Missouri and Arkansas.
Good to see you back bloodcrick! I'm starting to feel it, and can't wait to get started. Luckily for me here in MD we get a fairly early season. Think it starts on September 8th this year. Good luck to you in KY! Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
September 15th in CT! I should probably start getting in a shooting routine sometime soon. I should also un pack my gear bag from my last hunt back in November. hopefully I didn't leave any snacks in there. Knowing myself and my food intake, I doubt there was any food left, lol!
I garentee I left a granola bar or 2 in mine. Keep my pack out in the garage, just hope a mouse didn't find it, has happened before. The motivation is high this year for me, but feel so behind. I really need to shoot my bow. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
I guess I’m kind of different because I almost never take any kind of food with me on a hunt, even on all day sits.
I will on all day sits, just for something to keep me busy. Alot of my spots are 30 minutes to a hour from truck so I always keep a bar in my pack, just in case. If I shoot a deer, I will eat it before I get down and drink alot of water. Just to keep my energy up for the drag. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
I have to backtrack a little on what I said because when it’s really cold I do like to take small “fun size” candy bars. Not because I’m hungry but because the sugar intake helps my body fight the cold. A good friend of mine in our club introduced me to this and it really works well.
Im currently waiting on a new string to be put on my Elite. Will start shooting as soon as i get it back. Also still narrowing down my choices on a new bow. Need to get the skid steer down into the bottoms at one property i hunt to fix and enhance some trails and kill plot sites. Need to go through my gear and inspect my saddle. Definitely need some new ropes this year. It will be here before we know it!
Saddle hunters. Ugh. I actually came close to getting one and trying it this year, but funds are limited for the time being. I’ve been shooting quite a bit and the only problem I’ve been having is a recurring one. I love my TruFire Hardcore release but for some reason it frays my string loop. I’ve tried everything to get rid of the problem with no success so I guess I’ll need to put a new string loop on my V3 before season starts.
Dang Chief thats a lot of wear. I also use a trufire hardcore and it doesnt do that to my d-loop. Granted I probably dont shoot as much as you but i have zero fraying. The only thing i notice is it gets smooth/slick looking where the hook contacts the material. Did you try running a buffer wheel on it to polish all the surfaces?
Sounds like you need to change the release. I'm not a true saddle hunter, but use mine in combo with a small stand to get best of both worlds. I say i sit in saddle about 50 percent of the hunt. Some hunts I will be in the saddle the whole time, but nice to have the options depending on the situation. Plus I much prefer the saddle over a tree harness. I think if you gave one a try but with in combo with your climber, you would see a benefit. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
When it first started happening I used a Dremel and polishing compound on the top of the hook. I wonder if it’s something about the way I draw. I don’t know.
I do have a brand new release I bought last season at the shop where I got my string put back on after derailing my bow last season letting down on a 10 point. That was a heart breaker. The only reason I bought it was because the guy was there for me in a emergency, he wasn’t going to charge me anything and I needed a back up release anyway so I wanted to help him out. It’s a Spot Hogg “The Wiseguy”. I’ve shot with it a few times and the “Boa” Strap is really cool. It’s a hook release but it’s just different enough that I haven’t switched to it as a primary release. It does have a hair trigger so I’d need to practice with it. I have launched a couple of arrows before I meant to while using it. The only thing I don’t like about it is the fact that you have to push the trigger forward to lock it instead of it being spring loaded.
That's a great release! Is there a adjustment screw to tighten the tension? Definitely practice with it to get that muscle memory of resetting the trigger after every shot. That was the same release I was thinking of getting next. Let me know how you like it if you start shooting it more. Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
Yes, it has a set screw that adjusts travel and tension. I actually didn’t know that until you asked and I looked it up. It’s obvious that I haven’t messed with it much. I think the Boa strap would be awesome to use in a hunting situation. No more trying to find the right hole to buckle in.