As crazy as it sounds, he got him on his own. The boy, or should i say man, wanted a buck, held out and passed does all youth season, and sealed the damn deal :D
I've said it earlier, but it truly is awesome the history you guys have with this animal. And I know how you feel about having the quest coming to an end. VERY early in my hunting career there were 2 bucks that became well known in my area. My cousin killed one in '99 that scored 204" and his "little" brother was killed by the neighbor the following year. Another buck will show themselves and your obsession will be renewed in no time. Again congrats to you little bro!.....and best of luck to him as he tries to top that buck of a lifetime.
i read this yesterday and was so taken aback i couldnt post. what an amazing story guys. and YOU KNOW this guy has some offspring runnin around. I dont see him not being the alpha deer! CONGRATS this is such a great it in the site newsfeed yet?
UNBELIEVABLE!!! Epic Epic Epic!! Congrats to the whole Siman family!! What a monumental monent in all of your lives!! I thought about yall this weekend hoping that I would see this very thread when I loged on today and guess what!!! With the history and the close encounters that yall have had with this buck makes it that much more special!! Congrats again!! Enjoy it!!
This I agree with. You'll have all kinds of new "friends" if too much information gets out. On the other hand, it's hard to keep a buck like that quiet, especially with such a great story behind it.
Information had been getting out on this buck for 3 years... Theres alot more deer around like this then people realize
Wow!! Can't believe I missed this thread! Caleb, I've enjoyed following the quest for this legend. Congrats to you and your brothers. I can tell that you boys are very close and love spending time with each other. These are memory's that you 3 will have the rest of your lives. Enjoy them. On to the deer. I can't believe how much FD's rack changed from last year to this year. Amazing. And you can tell he had a hard rut and was completely wore out. I can't wait to see pics of the mount.
Wow, that is freakin amazin', Congrats to Luke that is completely awesome. 205" is unreal. Yall still got FD Jr. runnin around there dont yall? BTW, biggest deer I have ever seen in the wild, The guide and I walked by within 10 steps of the barn surrounded by grass he was layin in, get set up looked back at where I walked in only to see him get off and wander down the hill, over 170" so that part doesnt surprise me at all.
Out of personal experience I will admit that this is all too true, or at least in some cases. A couple of years ago my dad shot a buck that scored 192 5/8" and just last year a neighbor shot a buck that scored 186 7/8" typical. This year we've got out of staters leasing on all sides of us, and pressure has increased greatly. We know of two nice bucks that they have shot, and neither was recovered to do ignorance and stupid shots. I've heard several stories, not many of them good about our new "neighbors". Mind you, neither of these kills were even publicized in magazines, just taken to the state expo. Now just recently a story came out in NAW and Illinois Game & Fish about the trail cam giant that was found dead a couple miles away from us. I don't think that kind of publicity is necessarily good for the local hunters. It's an amazing story and is one that should be shared, just so long as you are confident that the land around you is secure where it's at.
I got a chance to see him tonight as they just got it caped and ready for that thing is HUGE! It has been a couple of days now and Luke is still smiling ear to ear! Caleb ask Luke what Steve gave to him, I am sure you wont be suprised..
How much of a crowd did he draw over there? lol I had class or i would have been there for sure, and i can only imagine what Steve pulled
And just so you guys know, my history thread will be making an appearance sometime Thursday morning. Ill start at the beginning in the summer of 2007 and have it go all the way to this week, itll be a proper ending the this famous Internet forum bucks journey. Until we get the mount pics that is
Wow there's a buck of a lifetime. Congrats on a whole nother level!!! You may be the cover photo for next years DNR publication. Simply awe-inspiring!
205'' holy buck of a lifetime. I have to say all the comments have been wonderful to this young man by members here.