Looks like ol FD got poked in the eye. What a deer. At least it was in the family. He's gonna be able to give you two &%*$ for a while. Congrats Luke. There's no denying he's a Siman is there Caleb.
Congrats to your brother!! I have been around long enough to know its been a long time coming for you guys and him!
Priceless! Congrats are in order for sure that is one heck of a buck. QUOTE=Germ;148812]Look at the smile on the young mans face!!!![/QUOTE]
I agree. I really couldn't make out which deer it was in the text pic. Congratulations to the little brother.
Wow, that is just friggin awesome. Congrats to him & the rest of you boys for tailing him for so many years & getting it done.
I had this feeling this year. My little brother killed his first archery animal, a nice 7 point. I bet Caleb is as thrilled as Luke is.
Congrats to ALL of you! What a heritage and legacy this buck left and is providing for your family; you guys will talk about this buck and hopefully man more when you're in your golden years.
Man, that is stinking cool. Congrats to you all. I'd like to put a request for a story from Day 1- including all the trail cam pictures and vid you have of him. Great job guys!
Freakin awesome, congrats to little siman! [Caleb, I'm going to sack punch you at the GTG for not sending me a text]