Well, I've had my bow just shy of a week. Having only the internet to rely on to learn how to shoot and get my used bow dialed in, Im making pretty good progress. I measured myself for a 25" draw length, I'm 5'8", but I guess my legs and arms are short... take up bow hunting and feel like a weakling! I was able to score a Browning Micro Adrenaline already set at 25" and 50#. The 25" draw fits me like a glove, I get a great anchor point with the curve of the thumb/index finger right at my jaw bone. I had to make some adjustments on the sight and arrow rest. It was shooting very high, and the arrow sitting on the rest was very left and very high. Did some researching on how to make those adjustments and so far, so good. This was a completely lucky shot while trying to figure out my form at about 10 yards This is about 10 yards (which at the time, unmeasured, I thought was 15) Working on 30 yard sighting in 15 yards testing the backside of the target and my new collapsible target stand I just made 30 yards testing the backside of the target and my new collapsible target stand I just made
I'll keep working on that 30 yard grouping, especially now I have my stand setup and my sight seems to be adjusted properly. I feel like I should work on aiming a bit lower of center on the heart area in case of a jumper. That the right idea? I don't want to practice something that will get me a shoulder shot.
Heck, for only shooting less than a week you are doing great! Keep up the practice and you'll be in the stand in no time. Make sure to practice shots from different angles and different heights too. A few tips for shooting at angles and from a stand: When the deer is quartering away from you, think about where the arrow needs to end up rather than where it goes in, you want to shoot a little back so at the quartering away angle it goes into the arm pit on the opposite side. When shooting from elevation remember to bend down at the waist. Don't try to stand up straight and aim your bow down.
Nice shooting. Can't believe your draw is so short.I'm the same height but have a 28" draw. Can you get someone to snap a few pictures of you shooting? Lloks like your off to a great start! Sent from my BNTV600 using Tapatalk 2
Lookin good! If you have a local pro shop you should go down and talk to them and see if they can help with your form. They can also take a look at your bow and tell you if any modifications should be made. Also, if you've got somewhere to shoot 3-d that is a lot of fun and a good way to practice.
Alrighty, had my wife come out and take some pictures. Don't fall over with how sexy I am. Even after losing 60lbs I still look like a fatguy. Shot1 Shot2 Shot2 Results
OTC Deer season starts August 23rd, Looks like I have plans to go out for 3-4 days. Will be going with a friend and a friend of a friend who is an avid bow hunter. Should be meeting up with him this weekend. Being able to actually face to face talk, ask, listen, learn will be invaluable.
Nice groups, but I might suggest three micro adjustments, perhaps you are already doing them. 1) Dont 'grip' the grip. For instance, I draw open handed then I move my thumb and middle finger towards each other lightly touching the grip. all other fingers are relaxed and not closed around the grip. This prevents me from torquing the bow on follow-through. 2) Follow-through. Keep your eye on the target and let the bow do whatever its going to do, you have a wrist strap, it wont fall to the ground. 3) Don't arch your back and point the bow up in the air to pull it back. Lots of movement there that a deer might catch. Good luck and good hunting!