Yesterday morning I had a job interview first thing. After that, while getting ready for work, my stomach started hurting. By the time I drove the 65 miles to work, I couldn't stand up straight due to the pain. I told my boss that I was going to go to the doctor. He told me that I would get an "occurance" for missing work, but go ahead and go. I got to the acute care clinic and they rushed me back in to see a doctor. After seeing my bp and poking me a couple of times he ordered up an IV, blood tests, urine tests, and pain killers. Got some x-rays and was put back in the exam room. A little bit later, the dr returned to tell me that I had a kidney stone. I went to lala land after that and when I regained consciousness, they sent me home with darvon and the doctor, who really had a great bedside manner, told me "This too will pass." I drove home as there was no one to drive me and went to bed with my bottle of Darvon next to me. This morning about 2:00 AM, I gave "birth" to a bouncing baby limestone! I named it Junior and then flushed. Then when my wife got up to go to work, I called her over to the bed and gave her a huge hug and kiss and thanked her for our two great kids. I don't want to ever experience that again, but have a feeling I will. Where is the organization to do research and help prevent unwanted stones? I want to donate all I can to find the cure!!!
After our convo yesterday, when I got your text this morning "It's a BOY!!!!!" I about wet myself laughing :d
Been there, done that bro. Drink lots of lemonade. The real thing, not that powdered crap. Glad you're ok.
I've had surgery two times in the past two years for them. Nothing like being in your prime spot on Ohio public land and throwing up out of your treestand because of the stones. Hopefully that will be your last, all i can tell you is drink as much water as you can everyday