I have no idea or even desire to know what I'm shooting weight wise. I set up for close shots. Plain old axis 340's,100 grain muzzys and 60lbs at 27.5".
9.5 GPI, guessing the shafts are cut to 28, 266gr bare shaft, 100gr head, 15gr standard aluminum insert and 15-ish vanes, 396gr TAW give or take a few you're welcome.
I think my arrows are cut at 27.75? I just go to Scheels in Fargo nd and tell em what I shoot. They've always been good with their advise. Unless you count the time the "pro" tried to sell me Rage heads. Yeah, that didn't "fly" real well
Funny story. I bought a new bow this year. My first shots from home it sounded like it was the quietest bow on earth. I was dumbfounded by it. Shooting it all summer, it slowly started getting noisier and noisier. I know the string stops on this particular bow leave a bit to be desired and is something I'm going to replace with an aftermarket stop. But, in the interest of time and not messing with it, I rolled with it through hunting season. I was on my annual midwest trip and a guy at the camp we go to was watching me shoot a few arrows before heading to the woods one day. He commented how incredibly quiet the bow was and asked if he could shoot a couple arrows through it. I stood back a few yards from him and left him shoot it. I was once again dumb founded by how quiet it was. To me, after shooting it all summer, it wasn't quit as quiet as it was when i bought it. I'm shooting 60lbs with a 450gr arrow. I'm still going to replace the string stop over the winter. Moral of the story... most of these bows today are more than quiet enough. Sometimes the shooter perceived noise isn't the reality when you stand back and let someone else shoot it. I'm super pleased with this bow.
Bowtech Revolt X. I'm getting to be an old man, so I wanted to shoot a 60lb bow with a stupid easy draw cycle. After shooting everything this past year, this one stuck out. My old bow, a Prime was around 65lbs and this one, maxed out comes in at 62.5ish lbs, but feels quite a bit under 60lbs to draw. Still plenty fast enough for me. I also like the infinite amount of adjustability it has since I do like to tinker and play around a bit in the off season with released, etc. Not to mention its lights out accurate in my hands. I used to have a bow a few years back that I felt like I could telegraph arrows... I missed that feel and confidence level I had. This thing is just a pleasure to shoot.
there are guys who worry about the noise their release makes or the rest falling, what is percieved to be quiet for one, isnt to another .. Many bows today ARE quiet and some shooters just take it to an extreme ... yea, I like a tad of speed, it can and does help in many situations whether in the deer woods of the east or the plains/mountains of the west.. if I cant get 280-290, with my longer draw and 60ish-lbs/430-450gr arrow, I wont buy it ... I easily get that with the Ritual 33 and the 430+ gr arrow and the bow is STILL quiet ..
Hard to beat a 2017-newer BowTech's draw cycle and back wall. That's what sold me on my Realm. Even in performance setting it just feels good. Admittedly I have not shot an Elite, I hear they also have a really good draw.
no, not at all. I was just letting you know about what you are shooting TAW-wise. If it works for you, it works. You know best if you need to change something up, and by your posts you've killed a pile of deer so I will bow to your experience. And regardless how anyone generally feels about Rages or any big mech head for that matter, any pro-shop employee who would recommend a big mech on a set up that was less than 400 gr TAW is, IMHO, a complete dumba$$. Or someone who also has a tracking dog that charges by the hour for their services, which actually isn't a bad business model. Create a problem, then present your services as the solution to said problem...
I have only killed 2 deer with an arrow over 400 gr. the rest of them, 63 to be exact were sub 400 gr, and roughly 45 of them were with a 2" Rage head. Now, I do pull 70+ lbs and shoot 25 yds and in, but I do understand the reasoning behind a 400+ gr arrow and a big Mech head. I just have not built one as of yet.
I feel like shooting a 400-grain arrow with a Killzone Maxx on the front just to make Dnudes head explode.
I blew my buddy's mind when I showed him a deer scapula one time. He figure that thing was an inch thick the way it stopped any penetration behind mere inches of his arrow one time on a deer. I don't believe there is any scapula out there that should stop someone from getting both lungs penetrated, you may not get a pass through, but dangit those things are not that thick really.
hah, I would just be happy for the points, teammate. and IIRC, pretty sure BHOD was hawking low kinetic energy model NAP KillZones a few years back (and given the set-up, rightfully so.)