i would like to know more about this one myself, sure there are some freaks out there in body weight and antler size, anyone got a good deal on some steroids?
Yea I also noticed to no wound or blood and wouldn't you if it was still in the woods like that have your weapon or some camo? And the face looks way to small. where is this pic from?
as a regular user of adobe photoshop!!! Thats a fake picture!! That would of been on every deer magazine if that was real!
Its real. A buddy of a friend of my boss' son's grandma's nephew got it in an email and said that it was his neice's husband's mechanic's priest who shot it.
It actually was killed at a place called Wilderness Whitetails in Wisconsin. I don't know about the stats and yes it's high fence but damn. Check out some of these other guys. The fees are rediculous and I'd never go but wow. http://www.wildernesswhitetails.com/