Okay guys. I'm no judge when it comes to being able to tell if a pic has been photoshopped or not but I've just got to know if this is real or not. He's supposedly a 209" 9 point that weighs 440 lbs. Any of you heard or seen this one?
Okay, pics up now..... I havn't seen that photo before but DANG.... that thing is a pig but it doesn't look right to me but who knows!
I have no idea if PS was used there or not, but I agree that IF it's real what an incredible animal. I find it hard to believe though that nobody has heard anything about this animal; so I would venture a guess of three things: that it's been kept very secretive for some reason or another, it's fake, or it was shot in a pen. Those are the only things I can come up with right now because I would think SOMEONE would have heard about this beast if it were genuine.
The deers head looks really small compared to its body...but its body is huge! Real or not, cool pic.
Being a skeptic, I'm gonna cry photo-shop. The shadows look wrong. See the pine tree branch by the rear leg. Wouldn't it cast a shadow on the buck? Also the antlers don't seem to shadow in the back ground correctly.
If that deer was real I'd be afraid to shoot it. It might try knocking the tree down that I'm in to take me out.
Fake for sure. Look at how his hands are holding the rack. It would take a lot more then just a couple of fingers to hold that thing up.