Its a one quart, plastic oil jug. It's a Ho-Ho box. Its a pop-tart wrapper. It could be a lot of things. But you have decided its an aluminum roasting pan.....hmmm. Are they like sycamore leaves in the fact that they only come in one size also? So, this could be the first ever photograph of a pigmy black mountain lion.....or, it could be a common cat. I guess we will just never know.
Can't claim I've seen one myself but people I know and trust swear to have seen them here in the south. That said, the picture is obviously a house cat.
I guess I should add a disclaimer that I think most cougars/panthers spotted are actually something else. But these animals most certainly exist, could be escaped animals. I once had an ostrich standing in my back yard in Kentucky. Never say never.
I actually had the same thing in our bak yard in KS years ago. After an hour of calling around, some guys with a stock trailer and a burlap sack came out and rounded it up. Craziest thing I have seen in a long time
Ha! Randomly a bull elk showed up here near a school a few years back. Central IL. Who'd have guessed?'re really into this aren't you. Yes...sycamore leaves only come in one size...that is a giant roasting pan and it is a black panther the size of a small water buffalo. . . . word. Man...don't get suckered by every person on the internet that's bored.
That is a salt block on the ground to the right and not a big 50 pounder. This picture was zoomed in to make everything look bigger like others have already said.
Looks more like a black lab to me. The shape of the nose looks more like a dog than a cat. Also was there anymore pictures? If whatever it is is there pawing at the ground, the camera should have taken more than one picture.
Sycamore Leaf Identification | eHow Using the pic posted above with the leaf circled; three of those leaves will cover the length of that cat's body. At the max leaf diameter of 8", that cat can be no larger than two feet in length. I'm a house cat convert.
No it isn't. Haven't you heard? It's now a dog. It's scary to think that some of these people are allowed to walk through the woods with weapons. It really is. lol