I shot the monster buck this morning .He was 30 yards away broadside. The shot look good he jumped and ran crashing tail up through the thick brush.I could hear his running for over 100 yards.then no sound.I found the arrow, no sign of blood. But a hair was wedged under the front of the blazer vane .Can a arrow pass through without any blood on it.I found no blood on the ground.I just can't see how the hair could stick under the vane if the arrow didn't pass through.If anyone can help it would be you guys Thanks Jim
same thing happened to me earlier this year had white hair on my broadhead and fat on the arrow i hit low and although i made a pass through there was no blood found and the deer survived. sounds like the same type of deal to me.
The hair was white .When he jumped he may have jumped the arrow.I just hope he's OK.I just bought a trail cam tonight I would love to get a picture of him.I have never seen a rack this big hunting in my life..What a thrill.
i have a buddy who had a bad shot right through the brisket this year. no blood on the arrow just some hair. he ended up shooting the deer 3 weeks later and you could see where the arrow had gone throught the first time.
Wow no blood at all. He sure ran like he was hit.Good to know that it is possible to shot through a deer and have no blood on the arrow.
It is possible to not have blood on the shaft, but there should be something if it passed through. Greasy fat at the very least. It sounds like you shaved him a little. My guess is that he's still out there looking for does. Keep at it and good luck.