Maybe it is hard to tell, but looking for some opinions. This should be my most productive stand. There are two main trails coming out into the field one to my left and one to my right. To my left has always been a big rub area as well. The first picture is looking left , the second is looking right and the third is looking to the right at a different angle. There is pretty thick cover straight out. I think I am okay but will have to be a bit more careful than I will in other locations so I don't get busted while standing up and reaching for my bow. This was the only tree at this location so I decided to go for it. I could keep my bow in my lap to avoid additional movement but won't be as comfortable. Keep in mind I can't hear well so hearing the deer before it steps out is unlikely.
Assuming you have substantial cover behind it should be fine. A pic from the field up into the tree would give me a better idea. Last resort you could always zip tie a few branches around you. Good luck!
How high are you? What's your camo of choice? Will that field be turned over and replanted before winter?
Great pics. From them it looks like you have good cover NOW, but the branches look pretty think for when the leaves fall. Looks like a great early season stand site.
Good point. I forgot to mention that. There is tall, thick cover behind me so there is no chance them sky lining me. I should blend in well. How high are you? What's your camo of choice? 15' Various camo. Mostly, APG Realtree and whatever the hunter’s safety system pro series vest is. I think that is real tree as well. Will that field be turned over and replanted before winter? Not sure, but I doubt it so let's assume not for now.
I personally like to be a bit higher and out of their "senses" but 15' feet is better than 10. APG, not bad, trust your camo. Like Tribal mentioned, back "flauging" would be a good idea. The reason I asked about the field is I'm wondering what the draw is for the deer. Why is this your most productive spot (suspected)? It's not a preferred food source.
Behind me is a secure bedding ground that is not owned by us so I can’t get in there. If you look in the second picture out in the field past the cut wheat there is a large field of beans that they are feasting off of. I have gun hunted this edge for years and the deer activity has always been very consistent. This stand was located up the tree line more when I gun hunted but now that I am bow hunting it needed to be located closer to the trails. Anyways, they bed in the woods behind me and cross the wheat field and feed out in the beans. During the rut this is also where they come out to go "cross county" to the next woodlot. This is farm land county with small little woodlots here and there so the deer almost are forced to expose themselves in open fields to move from wood lot to wood lot. Honestly, I realize that many would not consider this to be a great spot. But it is the only private land I have access to so I am making the best of it. I am also hunting some local public land that I have scouted. I almost always see deer here. The question is will I be in the right place at the right time so they are in shooting range.
Is their any way for you to hang your setup on the trails that lead into the field? I have spent alot of the last 3 years hunting "over" the field and not "where they come out". It rarely works the way you want it too. It could help your chances to move in on the trails.
Hunt it and see what happens, their patterns might change so if you have to change with them, don't be afraid to move even if its only 30 yards down the line! Those beans should be good for the first couple weeks!
Like I said on an earlier post, I can't move back into the woods (on the trail) because that is not on the property (I know the guy and he lets me hunt it for basically free). Both trails coming out into the field are <25 yards away, so I figured why not split them and have both trails within shooting range rather than limiting yourself to just one trail. If past experience holds true, they will still use these trails during the rut when does and bucks are traveling cross country. Joe, I have moved this stand alone this edge over the years probably 10 times so if I need to move it again it won’t be a problem. This is where my gut is telling it should be this year for bowhunting. Where I put it in years past for gun hunting was a whole different ball game. We will see what happens. I very confident that if I don’t get busted I will have some shots from this stand.
No. If I were you, I'd grab some gorilla glue and duct tape and see about adding some foliage and clutter in and around your stand. As a great tip, check out some christmas tree garland. It really breaks up the human outline and never fades or decomposes. Furthermore, it comes in awesome colors, like pink and metallic red. If you don't have any garland just hang strands of duct tape with little plastic cutouts of awesome shapes hanging on them - like puppies and the Jonas brothers. It adds a decorative touch, along with a more festive atmosphere to keep your spirits up.
Its about whats behind you not whats in front of you. Ive gotten away with murder just by having good enough cover behind me...
Man, you've mentioned the Jonas brothers in atleast a few posts in the last week ... Where is the "busted" smiley when you need it?? Good stuff though, I think that should do the trick... Especially the red and pink christmas tree garland :D. But anyway, I think if you took a picture of your stand from the deer's point of view, it may be easier to tell you if it's enough cover. I have a particular stand that has very little front cover, but it is tucked back in some cedars, which provide a good backdrop. They come from the cedars, so in a situation like that it works out. I guess it depends on your situation, because there are also stands on our property where there is no telling where they are gonna come from. Makes it harder to hunt based on the wind.
I don't plan on going back to the stand for a week or two yet so I won't have pics until then. However, I believe my back drop is excellent so this does make me feel better. I didn't think about that until you guys brought it up. I will post a picture looking up from the ground when i can.