Is this cheating? Sorry if this has been asked on here dozens of times. I've been working on learning to shoot my 55# longbow and my 45# recurve proficiently. Just for kicks I decided to put a D loop on my recurve and try using a release. I was astounded at what happened. I suddenly became "lethal" at 20+ yards which is a huge change for me. I was also surprised at how long I can hold 45 pounds at full draw. Problem is a big part of me feels like it's "cheating". You know what I mean - If you're gonna shoot a trad bow, keep it traditional. Do you agree with this?
No matter the type of bow I can't stand releases to begin with so this Is an easy one for me. Do what ya gotta do though Chief. It's your bow bud.
Problem with release and shooting on a shelf is you might not be getting fletch clearance. Using your fingers acutally causes the fletch to bend around the riser. I know all about getting clean consistent releases, and how much a hassle, but its well worth it for the simplicity. I think too many of us, including myself, do not take enough time blank bale shooting.
Okay Mark. You just raised a couple of questions. I've been trying to master split fingers for almost a year now and I can guarantee you that my feathers aren't clearing my shelf. I know this because my "5 o'clock" feather on all of my arrows is pretty worn from contact. Is that not supposed to happen? Second question: What in the world is blank bale shooting??
Sounds to me like your arrow Is a little on the stiff side. This Is how I do It. Stand 5 or so yards from your big target and close your eye's and go through your routine and shoot. It's a form fixer thingy.
Shoot how ya want! But to me, I moved to a Longbow to get away from all that nonsense that comes with a Compound! I like to keep it simple as possible!
Your feathers should show wear. No matter which feather. Blank bale is bascially getting close to a target, preferablly a large one, and closing your eyes, and concentrating on nothing but a good release. concentrating on first are you at full draw? Second, is all the wieght on your back muscles? Third, and most important, just relax the back of your hand, and your hand should be straight back behind your ear.
Releases have been around for hundreds of years just like overdraws. Shoot whatever you want, however you want. It's your's do what you want not what others might think.
I agree with BC. Your feathers are gonna show wear. No issues. Mine show less wear, when I use LW feathers. I shoot cock feather out. What would concern me is what BC was eluding to. I can't see how using a mechanical release aid WOULDN'T affect tune. When the string leaves your fingers (RH shooter), it travels left. This affects the way your arrow contacts your shelf. With the release aid, it wouldn't kick left (string) on release.
I believe that you guys are onto something. I think that the Gold Tip Traditional hunters are way too stiff for the 45# recurve. They fly and hit awesome using a release but I couldn't get them to fly right using fingers. On the other hand, they fly good off my 55# Montana using fingers. I have some POC arrows that aren't as stiff and they fly good off the 45# recurve using fingers. One thing that I'd like to clarify is that I didn't put the D loop on out of frustration but out of curiosity. Don't misunderstand and get the idea that I think I need anyone's blessing to do this. I was simply wondering if most everyone felt the same as I do... it's kind of cheating to use a release. That's all.
I don't think it's "cheating". Anything you can do to make yourself more accurate is absolutely fine in my book. One of the greatest traditional shots of our time (and the greatest hunter, IMO) used plastic fletch and an elevated rest.
Run what you brung, shoot what you got, give em the shaft !!! If it aint broke dont fix it...... Just perfect it.
I know a guy who's kid shoots a recurve with a release. That's what the kid wanted, he likes the recurve, but the release allows him to be much mroe accurate & draw a better poundage. It's odd but it works for him.
No. I don't WANT to shoot wheels. But, if I did, I'd use anything I wanted to make myself more accurate.
I have no idea where you're headed with this.....or why. If I shot a rifle, and wanted to utilize shooting sticks, I would. If I were shooting a pistol, and wanted to use a scope, I would. If I wanted to get the picture.
Its extremly easy to understand. You said you would use what is most accurate. I think 95% of us would agree we are probably the most accurate at hunting ranges with a compound. Opening day I will use an osage selfbow, but I know I am much more accurate with my zipper recurve. Just going off your statement.