I think you've been around here long enough (maybe not) to know this drivel belongs in the Water Cooler/Political Venting thread. No?
You started the political talk……not me, but no worries man I have no desire to waste my time trying to get a liberal to embrace logic. Take care man…..good luck out there
Not at all! If you're referring to me mentioning the voting process as being political talk, there are votes held all the time that have nothing to do with politics. I know MUCH better that to get into politics on this site. Apparently, you don't. I'm finished with you. I'll let you get the last word in, seems you thrive on it.
Not necessarily. I think they are close in numbers and size of bucks. Just MD has a much longer season, so more chances to get out there and hunt. More opportunities equal more deer shot. Im not a fan of how MD deer is run, but i just worry about me and hunt the way i want.
Gary Alt is the biologist and “wildlife expert” that came up with and implemented the AR’s in PA. He had to travel around PA wearing a bullet proof vest due to the popularity of his program and retired immediately after the AR implementation debacle and swiftly moved out of state (California I believe)
https://www.bradfordera.com/news/wi...cle_4d61bec5-ba57-59f5-b8d7-5d7dc30bb724.html Great little read on the utterly amazing simple mind PA turned their deer herd over to. He admits the credit he received for black bear management was likely due to increased habitat and not his management. Then he admits he was STUNNED to see the difference between fenced off areas vs open areas where deer could freely browse……..and a simple conversation with a friend of his convinced him to force ARs on the entire state in the hopes that instead of shooting 6 pointers they could now shoot an 8 or a maybe even a 10 (he seems to think every deer gains 2 points a year). Some people get the most joy out of life by telling others how to live theirs. Gary Alt is a perfect example.
Did that stat include all the life time holders in NYS or was that a yearly stat of actual purchases?
This thread is less useful than the TP I wiped with this morning and the information is about as dirty.
It’s too bad. I was hoping to hear more about AR vs other strategies. I think the topic is interesting. Different states have different management techniques and some of the best quality whitetail hunting happens in states without AR. I was hoping to learn something. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yeah, I was pretty interested as well at first. No restrictions here in NC and the western part of the state is seeing good increase in deer numbers. I don't have hard data, just what I've seen and talked to others about, so I didn't want to add to the anecdotal info being pissed on further. Less hunters, less habitat getting hunted due to landowners "love to see them, so no hunting", and numbers spreading out from urban areas are what I'm witnessing. I was gone for a decade from here. Turkey and deer numbers way above where they were then. Lots of great bucks unlike before. 130s were rare here. Now it seems more common. 2 buck state. Long rifle season, about 6 weeks. I'm not sure the states conservation science is really why the numbers are better here.
Not necessarily relevant to this thread, but instead of starting a new one, I read an article that said about half of the total Ohio whitetail harvest in 2023 was by longbow and CB. Do any of you Ohio hunters know if this is accurate? It sounded like a rather large percentage to me.
"Everyone who saw this map is now dumber for having seen it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.” You will be very disappointed if you think you are going to average 150+" deer in KS. The only thing this map did was increase the number of out-of-state hunters drawing for KS tags...
Yes that’s true. Deer harvest was 213k Archery: 100,951 (first season to exceed 100,000) Weeklong and two-day gun seasons: 85,587 Four-day muzzleloader season: 12,712 Two-day youth season: 10,039 Controlled firearm hunts: 4,639 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
156" ish? I didn't go back and look. Split the state in half, stay to the east of that line, and pick a unit. There are no bad units in KS, just some that are better than others and with that, those better units also have 10x the pressure. Next year, those not-so-hot units get hot.. and that cycle continues year after year. I can't tell you what tags cost but not nearly enough if KS is the #1 state according to the map. :p