Show me where I questioned your use of the word “consensus”…….I think you are confused man (in more ways than one).
There is a reason that Atlas has the quote he does in his signature. You guys are seeing that in this thread. You took the bait and now he is having his fun.
I think this is the quick answer for atlas why he thinks AR dont work. I doubt its the program the state puts on but just the shear numbers game.
In post #30, virginiashadow said "Ask Pa hunters. They will tell you". In my poat #39 I said "So, I listened to the general concensus". Which told me the vast majority of hunters thought AR were working in Pa. In your post #37 you say "I like anecdotal campfire stories as much as the next guy but they are completely useless in this discussion". That suggests you questioning my use of the words "general concensus", and saying what I heard was anecdotal and completely useless in the discussion. Got it? Think of it like the voting process, votes are based on peoples thoughts/feelings about someone, hence which way they vote. The winner is decided by the general concensus/most votes. Even you can understand, right?
That’s not questioning your use of the word…….it’s clearly explaining that you are relying on anecdotal stories from buddies and neighbors instead of looking at the data. Obviously you are not familiar with the electoral college…….it was established to make sure the EXACT thing you are describing DOESN’T happen as the founders were smart enough to know better.
What’s really funny is not one single person who is defending the failed PA program has even tried to explain how NY and PA started in the SAME place twenty years ago and ended up in the SAME place today. One with statewide ARs and one without. It’s amazing to me that they are so dug in rooting for their “team” that they blindly ignore the documented truth. It really is bizarre and I can’t even imagine why anyone outside of Gary Alts family would even care at all.
All fun aside, thank you Holt I never knew how different we were. As a New Yorker I actually believed we had more hunters than PA! I appreciate the info man. Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
Could you imagine if NY had another 400k hunters. Wonder what the deer herd would look like. So i personally dont think PA is doing a bad job, for the sheer numbers they have to work with. I know as a MD hunter, its a perfect place for PA hunters to come, and they do. I see more PA hunters on public then MD hunters. If i lived in PA, i would do the same thing. Less pressure, more deer tags.
The electoral collage isn't involved in most voting processes, with the exception of President and Vice President. All other elections are decided by popular vote/concensus. You're thick.
From a lot of what I've seen/read, I actually think Maryland, generally speaking, has bigger bucks than Pa. Do you agree?
Considering PA kills twice as many deer with less than twice as many hunters you have to question the overall management strategy……..IF in fact the goal is noble deer management for bigger older bucks and better ratios and all the other nonsense they preach to the mouth breathers who lap that kind of stuff up. Everyone willing to acknowledge the data knows that’s not true (and it’s nothing unique to PA). It took them 22 years to basically change the avg buck killed from a 4-6 point 1 1/2 to a basket 8 2 1/2……..something COONCIDENTALLY NY has accomplished as well in the same time frame. Bur surely it’s all due to Gary Alts wisdom and the miracle of AR
WOW……….your mm dense level of knowledge on just about everything is astonishing. The electoral college is in place for the most consequential election we have and literally EVERY aspect of govt at high levels has a backbone of checks and balances to avoid the very thing dim witted people THINK is what makes up a democracy. Thankfully young guys in PA can’t shoot worth a damn from 130 yards and we will all get to enjoy the next 4 years + with REAL leadership.
You are not very sharp at all……..and that’s OK our system was also designed to keep the impact of the ill informed to a minimum so guys like you can go through life happy and not have any effect on everyone else.
This is PRICELESS…….I can’t believe you had the gall to boast about all your interactions with the “consensus” of hunters……..and act like you had the pulse of the typical everyday hunter out there. Then you expose yourself as a Harris and tampon Tim supporter. No wonder you have so much trouble with the truth and hate democracy so much.