This acorn drop is making it tough. Unlimited food. Ive bumped them bedded right by and within 50 yds of where they are feeding. Makes it tough on sightings and on getting set up....Id bet many of us here in VA are bumping them like crazy on our entrance. But this great food is going to give them great energy come the rut which is awesome! Good luck.
The pics don't do him justice. His antlers are pretty decent also. Good mass and 8-9" g2's and g3's. A solid 18" spread. He won't go close enough to my cams for a good pic.
I only have 3 cams out. They are all in my "yard". One watching my driveway and the other 2 are on opposite sides of my 3 acre food plot which is in my front yard. The answer to your question is...... Yes, I get pics on my cams every day. Even the driveway cam. It is attached to a big oak that has a lot of acorns so it attracts deer and turkeys. It is also catching a couple of doe family units coming and going from their bedding areas on my hills above the driveway.
Our weather has been Awful here in PA so mines been a few days since I’ve got any action on either of my 2 cams. Usually it’s not consistently pics everyday but still pretty steady. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I've had about 12 sits this year. I have seen roughly 30 deer which honestly is a lot for my area, especially early in the season. 7 have been bucks but of the 7, 6 have been spikes and one was a crotch horn. I love seeing deer on a consistent basis but it's getting a little discouraging that we aren't seeing any sign of a decent buck yet.
I have 7-8 shooters on my cameras all at night. It's hot again this week...80 deg yesterday, today tomorrow and Saturday.
Late next week is the time to strike buddy. Temp drops coinciding with the time of year. Gotta good feeling for your success Fri to Sun next week.
yep things should turn for the better! my main goal this year as was last, get my boy his first bow kill. he came close last saturday evening. he caught trying to draw his and learn.. good luck to you too brett!