I agree. I've done it in the past and didnt enjoy it. The noises that come with slitting a throat is not something I enjoy hearing. I'd shoot it again or maybe try the heart stab
Jeff if a deer was hit by a car and in my yard I would do the right thing in my eyes and make a phone call that would take about 30 seconds to make and get the OK to dispatch it! I have nothing to worry about what so ever, I enjoy my hunting and fishing way to much to chance it!
About 10 years ago a deer was hit about 100 yards down the road from where I live. I went out there right away to make sure everyone was alright. The driver was fine, hardly any vehicle damage to his truck. I asked the guy If he wanted the deer and he said no. The deer was still alive yet (broken back) so I figured I'd better call the sheriff 1st Instead of me finishing the deer off being the cops are very ticket happy In my county . The sheriff came out 10 minutes later and for the life of him couldn't kill this deer. He unloaded his revolver on It missing a few times and hitting the deer In the hind quarters the other shots. I brought my knife with me when I went out there so I told him I'll put this deer out of It's misery. He didn't like the thought to begin with but I kindly reminded him he couldn't kill a deer 5 feet In front of him and this deer needed to be put down. It took me 5 seconds and It was over. The county I live In has double the patrol then most counties so I'll never take a chance and shoot a deer that's been car hit on the road, like I said they love writing tickets up here. The right thing to do In my eye's Is to kill this deer and be done with It but most law enforcement don't look at It that way. Too many poachers have ruined It for the good people trying to do the right thing. It's a shame but It Is what It Is.
Last year I had to finish a doe with my knife. I might catch heat for this from "the perfects" but the short version is: I was on the ground and the doe surprised me (she never saw me). I hit high and got spine (rear legs disabled). She pulled her weight using her front legs toward the neighbors house (I was close to the property line). I made a half circle and cut her off because the neighbors (married couple, both doctors)have 2 school aged children and the sight of myself shooting a doe in their driveway would surely have been traumatic, btw, niether of the parents are anything close to being the "outdoorsy" type. At that point I realized I had detached my quiver before shooting and did not pick it back up before making my move. I had a decision to make, so I made it. It wasn't pleasent, I didn't "get off" on it and hopefuly will never have to do it again. That being said, I do not regret it. The situation was what it was and I'd do it again, if need be. p.s.- I cut the femoral artery(?) on the inside of the rear thigh. I believe she could not feel anything in the rear legs and she expired in less than 2 minutes.
Schultzy Did you have to tag the deer? What happens if instead of the deer being hit by a car, it was wounded by another hunter? I wonder how you would determine who's deer it was if both people wanted it? Sorry for all of the what if's. Thanks for all of your opinions
Josh/OH This is a great real world example, these situations happen all the time. I just like to hear peoples opinions on them.