cut the bottom out of my sons Ameristep doghouse pop up blind?? Its the TSC version (total scent control) I hate the thing anyway, and everytime He uses it, or i use it with my younger son we always unzip it and roll it up anyway because its to loud when moving around on it. It does not unzip all the way, just three sides. PLUS its a PIA to fold with the extra flooring. Dont suggest a double bull, because im not paying the $ jack $ for something we rarely use anyway, just call me tight :d Red neck or not??? :d
heck no! I've never heard of a ground blind with flooring....that would be a major pita. I too would slice and dice till that thing was gone with the wind!
I guess I would cut it. If you ain't selling it and you ain't using it you might as well be cutting it to your specs.
OK its gone :d you guys made my mind up..I could never figure how it is total scent control with windows being open anyway
Yeah that amazes me how it can be scent proof with the windows open.....take a shower before you go and youll be fine.