Lately I've been becoming aware that my hunting the wind at the wrong time of day may be an issue of concern. I'm thinking of thermals here. I know without a doubt I'm not the only hunter to be pushing thermals to the back of there mind. Maybe it's something we all need to pay a little more attention to. As I understand them thermals rise and fall with the sun? For those of you with experience hunting thermals please leave your advice below. This question was brought to my mind because I've been hunting an area with alot of sign in the evening and not seeing anything. This area is a hilltop. This may be my problem?
Yeah, I'm getting killed out there man, can't get nothing to come in aint seeing jack, I keep going and keep seeing nothing, feels like all the deer are in hiding reminds me a bit of a late rifle season.
I struggled real bad the last 14 days I kept telling myself you only have to see 1 if it's the right 1. Keep plugging away men. Put in your time and it WILL happen !
When bow hunting adds up to frusteration, an angry spouse and an emty freezer....this is when it gets hard.
Same page Sean. I don't have a bunch of sign, but I know deer are in the area. I haven't been able to put in a bunch of time until just this week, but I've been pretty consistent on the weekends. Haven't seen a deer. I think as long as you're playing the wind, thermals arent going to have that huge of a factor.