I watched a good portion of this and what I gather is, there are parts of the Ashby reports that hold true to today. However, with the breakthrough in modern bows say, post 2005, much if the Ashby stuff is not relevant?
Listening, but I hear a lot of opinion and noise in the first 15 minutes. Comments : I think Ashby said many of his studies were done in Australia... But African hunting with bows part of the reason he started gathering data... Since it wasn't available. Bone breaking not the same as lethal. Also consessions owners, guides and years of experience may also have reasons that have shape African games regs, like those in the US. Ashby and the foundation talk about the methods (not ballistics gel) for gathering data... Maybe talking to/interviewing some PHs or even Ashby himself would be more insightful...using data or studies also would be meaningful. I cut it off at about 22 minutes.
BTW there is a 2018 kifaru cast interview with Ashby and also an Aug 2021 meateater... Might want to give a listen to...as he tells more about the history and detail than covered in the YouTube vid...
Obviously on deer size game, anything over 650 or so is probably overkill but regardless of bow speed (and there have been 330+ rocket launchers since way before 2005) physics are not going to change just because a bow has less handshock or more let off. All else being equal, 550gr at 250FPS is going to penetrate more than 380gr at 330fps, especially at distance. That's just a fact. Then you start getting into spine and oscillation, efficiency in flight...kinetic energy and momentum coefficients...you can get really geeky on it if you want but at the end of the day a heavy object moving at moderate speeds impacts with more force than a light object at high speeds, and longer retains more of that force through whatever resistance it meets in comparison.
so just what is this dude trytingto say? Seems like he's pointing out the obvious is all. Nothing about it seems to be an Ashby lie.. I don't what he's actually getting at that we don't already know
I listened to about the first 5 minutes and couldn’t get through much more. The jist of it is the Ashby designed the testing with inherent biases in order to facilitate the legality of bow hunting in Africa. Not sure why that is revaluation that needs a 45 minute YouTube rant but whatever
I don’t care what anyone says, I know I love how my arrows fly and kill with high FOC and 600+ grain arrow weight. If a lie it is one I’m willing to believe lol