WHS does have good info most of the time, but I find him to be way too narrow minded. JMO. He's killed a lot more and bigger deer than me but he states a lot of things as absolutes that are just not so.
@dnoodles that is merely Jeff and his personality. It is one reason I can only digest so much of him and gotta stop - most of his videos you can cut half of it as merely stating "He's been doing this longer, knows more and has done it the best way before anyone else" - BUT in there is some solid content. He's just not as approachable IMO on video or content because of this - BUT I hear in person he's not nearly as such (zero clue, never met).
I can apply some of his advice, some of the time. He gears most everything toward privately owned and developed land. If I owned 100 acres and was going to groom the entire place for hunting, then I would take more of his advice.
Trust me, you don't need 100 acres to make an impact. Just had a client attack his 11 and shot one of his best bucks the first year...so much for me stressing to him give it time and a few years it will get better and better LOL
The human piss myth drives me craaaaazy Mainly bc I have to deal with it on a property I hunt. The owner is very old school and strictly prohibits any kind of peeing from the stands or anywhere for that matter. You can show him all the data or facts you want but it doesn't matter and there's no changing his mind.
Believing it doesn't spook deer, doesn't directly equal justification for me to desire to just launch it from my stand. I don't want deer coming to the base of my stand at all, as in never. I'll pee in my woods, but from stand VERY VERY rarely - typically only on all day sits that I forget the can.
I carry am empty water battle and pee in it..peace of mind for me.. maybe it's silly but it has worked for many years...although I do dip in the stand and spit on the ground, maybe they like wintergreen
How is this enforced? He got trail cameras on every stand to make sure you aren't letting it rip? I piss from my stand every time I hunt. Granted, it doesn't go as far as it used to, and sometimes it's kinda noisey, but when you gotta go you gotta go.
I have peed in scrapes as well...they always come and check it out... maybe I will just start peeing in the woods
My biggest gripe with Jeff is that you have to take his word for 90% of the things he says. It's all about "I've been doing this for 30 years", or "I see dozens of clients have success with this". Grant Woods does the same things (albeit on a larger scale), but is more informed and backs up with what he says with published data or at least visual confirmation. Admittedly, I appreciate that he puts out so much content pretty much year round, but I find myself clicking on his videos less and less.
I do not care who you are or how many endorsements or PHDs you have if you claim to know exactly what a deer will do in every situation you are a damn liar.
Example. Me last night. Set up downwind of the food with all kinds of blowdowns behind me to force them around away from my scent. I actually told myself I will never get busted. They came in through the blowdowns and busted me.
I've been using "MePee" in mock and real scrapes for yrs. A deer cannot tell if urine is human or not. I have taken a pee off my stand and had a buck walk in 10 mins later and did not seem to care.