You guys are freekin hilarious you can keep this going for ever. Every time i read your posts i almost fall out of the chair........ you guys rockkk.....
Now hold on there! I had a Golden Eagle Preditor! It was a good bow even though you could only hold it up in the air at full draw for 5 seconds or your arm started to drop!
Oh no, there still around. In fact I heard they had a welcome mat with your name on it, since your the only one to buy a Hoyt there, and as a BLUE-LIGHT SPECIAL no doubt.
Funny, I thought that at a real bow shop, you buy real bows, and obviously, your Turd doesn't qualify. If you want a REAL bow shop, come out to Obsession Archery and you'll see some real bows, Bowtech that is. :D
yup, you sure would see the sunrise on Brokeback Mountain after sharing a tent w/Dubbya! what happens in the Hoyt camp, stays in the Hoyt camp! can you say ribbit?