aaaaahhhhhhhhaaaaa >>>BAM<<< AT YOU Issac, I started cutting it out yesterday, as soon as its finished, ill get ya some pics
Holy cow, weren't you the one that was video taping last yr, when Rick James did that infamous football spike?
Not yet, need about a week to get it done. Im thinking of nameing it Tinker bell. Or maby Dinker, after me
cant wait for the iron buck that is gonna be awesomr to whom ever is the man producing this fine specimen my thanks go out to you.....
BC, Will Raceway's 5000# Hoyt put a dent in your buck? All I know is that Raceway better bring a lot of arrows or you need to make an insert with hole the size of a 5 gal bucket so he can shoot through it.
No, that would be your mouth after I open up a can of whoop @SS on you at the 3d course Raceway's diameter >
I believe that this would be your routine. Check out Raceway at the shooting bench. Yup, you betcha thar good buddy!
Not me, too small. Hey, your wife just called and said you aren't allowed to shoot the Iron Buck. She said you won't have enough arrows to get through hunting season if you are actually lucky enough to see horn from your ground blind.
Now let's be gentlemen, and keep the wive/mothers/and family members out of this. I'm having too much fun picking on Hoyt owners! :D
I just honored your wife by showing her honesty, now be modest and tell everyone that you can't shoot the GTG Iron Buck unless there is a Rollback on Sam's Choice arrows!
ok, I'm being modest, TEAM WALMART and Sam's arrows are gonna put a whoopn on your K-mart blue-light-special Hughyt!