alright you Nancys, Im starting on the Iron Buck this weekend to bring to the G2G. SO, bring a sacrificial arra wit ya, cause I know most of you will choke under pressure Me on the other hand, will just use my good ones
Crick, you are the man! I can't wait to see some of my expensive arrows get ruined. We need to give him a cool name like "Rick Rude" or the like.
WE DO need a name :D Keep em comming guys and we will name him! Im gonna put Germs pic in the G-spot Check this out guys!!
Can I use my fish arrows? (not like I can hit anything at a distance with them... but they won't blow up.)
That would make sense since you have not drawn you bow back on anything but a hay bail in, what, two years?
dawg, I cant wait to here the dinkin first hand :D Christine, Now that Id like to see :D might want to add more string length though
Hay Money??? Umm, here let me help you out, that would be bale, far as I know I have not shot at any money ever. Description of bail - American Heritage® Dictionary NOUN: 1. Security, usually a sum of money, exchanged for the release of an arrested person as a guarantee of that person's appearance for trial. bailer Additional references: Columbia Encyclopedia, law dictionaryNow as for you, I'm sure your very familar with the term, bail, & its use. :D
Now have an understanding Nancy's. There will be no FAIRY wands allowed on hunting rigs, like at that Indiana video. You'll be shooting what u hunt with. I'll be the first to admit that it was impressive watchn' Buckeye match that guys a couple of yrs ago. buckeye was shootin his huntin rig, & the other dude shoot a target bow, complete with double scoped heat seekin arras (as BC would say)