This morning we had high winds and lightning. I decided to not play lightning rod and went back to bed. All day long, I kept checking the radar to see if there was any chance at all of getting out today. This afternoon, we finally got a small break. I sat in the stand tonight w/wind blowing hard out of the SW. The stand sits in a valley just outside of my deer sanctuary. The rain came in and made things pretty miserable until just before last light I had enough. I slowly worked my way back across the dam towards the house. As I was coming up below the barn, 4 does came around the bend running right at me. They stopped at 10 yards as I drew back and took aim at the front doe who had turned broadside. I released and heard the arrow strike. She and two other does took off to the South while the last doe took off North. As the other two does continued South behind the house, She veered directly towards the house. My dog started barking and she turned and ran right at back at me. She went into a large patch of weeds and never came back out. I came up to the house and retrieved a spotlight and went looking for the arrow. As the light quickly faded and being colorblind making it even more difficult to find anything under artificial light, I decided to wait until light before wandering into the weed patch that is a couple acres in area. Hopefully, with sunrise, I'll have meat to hang. Gonna get down to 40 tonight, so outdoors will be cheap refrigeration.
Good Luck on the Recovery IV. I hope in the fading light with your color blindness it wasn't a 5" spike
Outstanding man, an opening day deer! You'll get out and find her in the morning bro......Good decision.
Good luck tomorrow morning I hope you get her. Good decision to back out. Find that doe tomorrow and have a few beers to celebrate!
I say grab a friend who is NOT colored blind and track her up now. Then hang her up and post up your hero pics!!!!!!!!!!! if not go get her in the am, and best of luck with her in the am
Hopefully you got a good hit on her and all the rain your getting doesnt wash a needed blood trail away. Good luck.
Yep, the neighbor is eating venison tonight. Also ruined my arrow removing it. Said he didn't know who shot it (even though there's no one else around that bow hunts). Such is life, and I still have a tag to fill.