ldawg is a new member here at BH.com, and a damn good guy! He also works at the archery shop I work at, which is how I came to know him. He's a great guy, funny, and a mighty fine bow shot and deer killer. Welcome aboard, brother! Jump on in and stir up the pot some...
Jeff........when you get to be as frickin good as we are.....the olympics merely downplay our talent!
Thanks for the welcome everyone. Just found this thread. I am still trying to figure the whole forum(s) thing out. How do you keep track of all the conversations on different topics. MOBO has spoken highly of bh.com and everyone here but warned me that I was geting into a group of guys and gals who love to give eachother trouble. If so, I should probably fit right in. Thanks again for the welcome. Have fun at the GTG.
Welcome ldawg... Can you do me one favor? Anytime you're at the shop, please refer to Don as Diamond Donny... he'll explain later. :D