I wanted to go down to camp tomorrow.... No, can't do that..... It's the last tournament of the year tomorrow Big Bucks>>>>>>>>>>>bass fishing
It's almost too bad you wont be there to take pictures.......One can only wonder, then, what it looks like to fish a bass tournament wearing a pink skirt.....:D
Welcome buckjunky. Hopefully your more interesting than Buckeye I wish BabyBuckeye would learn to type as he'd probably have better questions to ask on here than dad
While Frank was at home painting his and his wifes toe nails tonight..... Lil Bucko and I was out finding slammer bucks!
I am loving this thread.... nothing better than some ball busting between buddies. Welcome Frank... any buddy of Scott's is an enemy of mine:D I surely hope you didn't help Scott measure that 125" buck he has on his wall that he passes off as a 160" :p:D
Did I ever mention it is 17" bigger than his? :D :p Besides that I am going to throw another hammer up on the wall this fall! Maybe
Excuse's...excuse's....excuse's... thats all I am hearing :p Why not blame it all on them darn Drury members:D Nah... I hope you and Frank both smoke some bruisers this year.... I will throw a prediction that Nov. 5th and Nov. 11th bucks over the 145" mark are gonna fall :D
Welcome Buckjunky, nice to see another from "our" area. As you know Scotts a legend in his own mind so it might be nice to hear from his partner on some things that didn't go, quite as planned..
What scott has forgotten is that since he and i have become friends he has shot 2 GOOD BUCKS. 2 bucks in 4 and a1/2 Years not to bad i would say.:D