I could care less if debates about Timmie Treadwell get ugly up in Alaska. And who are the people that really really really have business in the bush in Alaska? I guess if some people from Alaska came down to say, Detroit and spent their life savings on a failed business venture, then were blown away by a gun, then I guess one could make parallels to their fated attempt with Timmie's? Does that make them stupid? Do they even belong in Detroit...I mean really really have business in the "bush" of Detroit? Yes, Dwarwinism at its finest. I said minus all the other bs that TT put his parents through, if we were studying a human being that treaded out into the unknown to find something greater than themselves, and then died as a result, then so be it. Who is to be the judge of a life of a man who risked it all and died?
Those that were put in harms way or killed by that person's stupidity. If the individual was the only one who suffered the consequences of their actions then I've got absolutely no beef with them doing whatever they want but that's not the way it works.
I was interested in hearing Kodiaks perspective on this with him being a resident in Alaska.I saw the movie and didn't think it was particulary good or realistic.I have compassion for any one who has a tortured soul but I don't believe that any one else's well being should be put in harms way as a result of it. I understand that the family of this young man had put tremendous constraints on how the movie could represent all of them,so it was hard to tell how close to the real circumstances it was.
Well I watched the movie and did not like at all. The book was far better. I just don't understand what he was so pissed about. I mean my dad did some bad things to my mother when I was young, a lot worse than what his did and i love my father and still respect him..I guess Chris was sort of a baby or that other word for a kitty cat...
YUP, they made a movie of it. He was a novice with little to no experience and mother nature killed his ass. It's all goody goody to say he went out an ddid it, but the fool killed himself. The writing might be good, but the guy was a fool.
YUP, they made a movie of it. He was a novice with little to no experience and mother nature killed his ass. It's all goody goody to say he went out an ddid it, but the fool killed himself. The writing might be good, but the guy was a fool.
Agree 100% davidmil. great author of the book and written well, but the movie sucked. The guy did what he wanted , and it cost him his life,he has that right, but I can't see why he had to go to those extremes to settle a score with his old man. I will garauntee you that those last few days he was really wondering why the F he did this in the first place. He only proved that he could hurt his family who seemed to love him very much. They might not have been perfect, but he had it far better than most of my buddies did.
I have to agree. "Tracker" was an excellent book, would go so far to say it changed my life. It changed the whole way I viewed life and nature. Another one of my favorite authors is Peter Capstick. His "Death in the Long Grass" was my fav.