Im currently reading this book and I can't put it down. This is a true story of a young man who left everything behind and went north to Alaska to live in the bush...The movie is dvd and I plan to rent it after the Im done with the book. Anyone read this or seen the movie?? So far it's really hitting home with some of my inner feelings about bowhunting and the simple life in general.. everyone on here should get a copy and read it.
Thanks for the suggestion Landon. I would like to watch the movie and maybe show it to my kids. It was raining hard today but it didn't stop me and my son from getting in some good "into the wild" time! He was tough, walking like a trooper through the woods in the mud and rain.
Vabowman Do you about how old the vid is? sounds like one ill check out. virginiashadow the pic, getting kids out there is awesome!!
Good info and I'm with ya man! I too dream about getting away from it all.... After completing my 13th year of owning my own business I sit and ponder what it would be like, not to have some of the massive pressures that go along with ownership. Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful for where I am in business / life, and being able to have survived the test of time (so far) in the USA manufacturing field (not easy). Along with making it through Sept 11th... I have been in negotiations with one of my biggest customers to purchase my company and relish the thought of only having to be responsible for 1/2 of my daily responsibilities. This alone, will hopefully, make a better quality of life for my family and me! I had a scare two weeks ago, thinking I was having a heart attack, I was admitted to the hospital for complete evaluation. Fortunately, I have a clean bill of health and believe it was just the abnormal stresses of life. At 42 years of age, I hope this business venture happens sooner than later. The economy has put a damper on my future with this customer and I am in a holding pattern waiting to be purchased. I will continue to fight my daily battles with customers / employees and yearn for more time to hunt. Maybe even in Virginia some day!!! Maybe take in a few more Celtics games...
Best of luck to you GuessWho. Those panic attacks sure are no fun. I hope you can tone things down and turn up the fun! When I get stressed I like to look at pictures and is one picture I like, I envision myself living in this house with my wife when I get older.
I liked the book too. It would be great to get away from it all - except the part about poisoning yourself with wild radishes or whatever killed the ballsy fellow in the book.
Sounds like a good one to rent. I'll look it up. Also, one of my favorite movies is: "The Education of Little Tree". It's about an Indian boy that grows up with his grandparents in the backwoods of Tenn. I never get tired of watching it. It may be hard to find, but, it is worth looking into.
I agree. The book is amazing.. The movie is also well done. I recently came across a documentary about it with Sean Penn and the other guy who put the movie together. They visited the "magic bus" and explored the old campsite, read some of his writings, told the story, etc.. it was cool.
I have 2 chapters left...I checked the book out on Sat afternoon!! It is now sunday night! I love it. I think the movie came out in 2007. the book in 1996.
Is this about the guy that went up there and lived on his own and built his own cabin by using hand tools alone. I seen a documentary on a guy that did that, but can't remember his name. His cabin now is a historic site in Alaska. Don't know if it's the same, but talk about impressive. That dude even built a door w/a lock out of wood, including kitchen utensils. What's the name of your book? I might look it up.
The movie was decent for me.. and the book was aight. The thing that got me was.. Henry David Thoreau already did this.. and did it better. So by comparison.. it was just aight. Thoreau had more philosophy in his writings.. which is why I liked it better. It was like watching Goodfellas.. and years later they come out with Casino.
Yes I read the book, I found Chris to be a very selfish person and very stupid. He did what he did IMO to hurt his parents. Like a lot of young men he felt he was "cheated" in life by his parents. His parents gave him a great education and start in life. He had no buinsess in the bush of Alaska IMO.
"He had no buinsess in the bush of Alaska IMO." According to who? Only his soul can be the judge of that decision.
I saw the movie but didn't read the book. I thought it was ok, gutsy dude for sure. Another great book to look at is "Tracker" by Tom Brown, Jr. Talk about getting back to nature!
I agree with Germ. I always fancied him as just another hippy that didn't want to join the real world.