3-Legged Deer. I am guessing he/she was shot during gun season. Very bad aim I might add. I doubt it was because of getting hit by a car but perhaps that is plausible. By the way, this is one of my main stand locations if anyone gives a rip.
There is a doe that comes into my mothers house that has it's front leg mangled. She looks pitiful but healthy. Thing is, she's been coming in for 4 years so she's at least 4.5 years old and has 2 fawns every year with her.
Our group got a 3 legged moose one year. Rear leg missing below the knee. At first we thought she had kicked it into the ground while struggling but when we flipped her over it was gone. We figured maybe caught in a trap or something. Had some infection around it but had healed over.
You do realize that that is standing water behind the deer right? The road that you can barely see (by the farm) in the distance is more than a 1/2 mile away.