From my post about painting the stand it made me think (dangerous) about a recent dove hunt I went on, one of the guys was making fun of a friend of his for being all camo'd he went to his truck and got a bright yellow t-shirt and put it on and bet him he would shoot more doves then camo boy. They both got their limit, and camo boy got his limit sooner, but it was becasue he shot much impact to you guys think camo really has ? Dove don't compare, I wouldn't think to turkey or deer, but hell camo is actually a pretty recent deal for hunters....when I was 10 or 12 you wore tanbrown duxback pants and jacket.... SB
Well IMO there is no way on this Earth you are going to get anywhere near a turkey wearing a yellow shirt! Not when youre hunting it anyway! Turkey will spy you with your first movement, even if you look like you should be in a real tree ad. Deer, they are another story, in the last 2 gun seasons in IL members of my hunting party took deer at 50 yds or less and its mandatory to wear blaze. Now... bowhunting, when as close as possible is the rule, I'll still don the leaves even if it makes only a small impact. I totally understand what youre saying though! Its a relatively new market, but we'll all buy to have a little more advantage.
Oh yeah.... I love camo...I even got one of those Ghillie suits....had a blast whith it on Haloween... I read a turkey hunting book about twenty years ago written by a guy down in fla. who got shot hunting turkeys so he wore a yellow rain slicker....He claimwed he still killed plenty...not sure I buy into it though... SB SB
REALLY!? Maybe if he left a yellow rain suit in the woods all year long. Sounds pretty fishy to me! Turkey are of certainly of the weary sort, but we've all seen stranger things happen!
I remember the picture of the guy on the dust jacket of the book, he was sitting cross legged behind a clump of palm branches he stuck in the ground, wearing the slicker, shorts and his gun across his lap as he used a slate call.... My dad used to own a bookstore, so I had alot of books...trying to remember the books title..... SB
Deer don'r see blaze orange as orange. looks kinda grey to them. I believe turkeys see colors well. I might be wrong.
I believe youre correct andy. As far as I've always been told deer rely on their hearing and smell much more heavily than sight. That doesnt mean they wont bolt when you come outta the weeds! Turkeys can see WAY better than you and I. I remember hunting turkey one spring and after my buddy re-set the decoys in our new location I had to wave before he could see me. I assumed we should have been in one of those "how many hunters do you see?" advertisements.
I've heard Turkey have the same sight ability as bird's of prey..... They can see the grass behind you move when you fart.... SB if they could smell you couldn't kill one
Sure you can do it without camo, you can also try hunting deer or turkey with a spear or pointy stick. I'm sure you could even find people who could somehow harvest an animal that way. You can argue how much of a difference it makes, but it definitely makes a difference. Just like arrow speed, size of broad heads, attention to scent elimination, use of calls... You can use each tool as much or as little as you want, and you can have success either way, but I prefer to give myself as much of an advantage as I can without breaking the law or my ethics. As a side note, SB I think that you could improve your fishing (once you fix your boat) by wearing camo. That is, only if you align your treble-hooks with your spinners! :d
Additionally I align the line guides with the wake angle coming out of the back of the boat while trolling.... SB
Sounds fun....but how will I know you really really really didn't align them ? I think you're trying to husle me. SB
During deer season I only wear my camo when deer hunting and I keep it scent free but, after deer season, I use it like hunting/scouting "work clothes". I'll wear it squirrel/groundhog/rabbit/etc. hunting even though it doesn't matter. I'll also wear it scouting. I figure I spent all this money on it I may as well use it.
Here's my general thoughts for each species that I hunt each item ranked in importance on a scale of 1-5 (5 being most important) :d :d :d (This should be fun) Deer: Breaking up the outline - 5 Camo color/contrast - 3 Limiting Movement - 4 Total - 12 pts Tukey: Breaking up the outline - 4 Camo Color/contrast - 5 Limiting Movement - 5 Total - 14 pts Hogs: Breaking up the outline - 2 Camo Color/Contrast - 1 Limiting Movement - 3 Total - 6 pts Elk: Breaking up the outline - 3 Camo Color/Contrast - 4 Limiting Movement - 5 Total - 12 pts Predators: Breaking up the outline - 4 Camo Color/Contrast - 4 Limiting Movement - 5 Total - 13 pts Because we're only talking about the visual aspect of fooling these animals while bowhunting, I personally feel that turkeys are the most difficult followed by predators. This is probably partly due to the fact that generally when you're hunting turkeys or predators you calling the animals to you, therefore they are looking for whatever is making the sound. The same is slightly true of elk. Hogs are almost blind so they aren't terribly difficult to fool...