Well, interesting to me anyway..... You see countless posts about ethics, doing the right thing, not letting a deer suffer, etc... I sometimes find it funny how we humans put so much value on certain creatures yet others we have no feelings for whatsoever. In the grand scheme of life is a deer more important than say a mouse or a mosquito? If you are a believing person, did God not create all animals in the same manner(besides man?) We gasp at a deer suffering but we will put out poisons to kill a rat in a second. lol. I'm just as guilty as the next guy. Just thought it was a strange thing and something I think of when I see people gettinga little too carried away with deer worshiping.
Very interesting question indeed. I am sure I am just as guilty as you. I often think about this when thinking about anti-hunters. Would they kill a mouse, a rouch, or slap a mosquito? I don't really know how "they" feel, but I know I had a blast as a kid killing groundhogs in the summer. I have thought about this reguards to fish, we have laws for what the State considers "game fish", which protects the means in which you take them, how many you can take, and often what size they have to be. But other fish (carp) you can kill them however you feel fit and take as many as you want. I still put a deer above a groundhog, right or wrong.
When it comes to 'suffering' I think most of us believe that bugs, fish, reptiles and amphibians don't operate on the same level as the warm blooded critters. I think a frog probably can 'suffer' more than a tick but I think it's still a world away from the way I feel pain. I also don't think it's so weird that we have different values on different critters. Usually, it's understandable and rational but yes, people do get weird about it. Sometimes, really weird.
To some farmers deer have no more value than vermin, hence crop damage permits. I try to respect all living creatures (except parasites) as having some value in the whole scheme of things (yes, parasites have value too but, sorry, no respect from me) and deal with them in the way that works for me.
AND everytime that I save my lovely wife from an attack of the killer wood spiders that we live in peace with.:d
I cry BULL!!!!!! I tried to tell this fool that we live in peace with the mice at the cabin.(after all they live there year round) Yet he still wages war with them. No wonder his bed gets the most droppings.
I value all animals very equally. Although I have poisoned mice before.. but that's a little different when they are eating through the wood in your home. I know.. leave it to me to throw in a little morals.. right? I'm the type of dude who stops in the rain to help a frog across a road.. or on a busy highway to pick up that snapping turtle. I swerve when I see caterpillars crossing.. and I pick up snakes and remove them from the yard when I mow. I catch lost birds in new construction homes all the time.. and release them. And I pick up garbage when I shed hunt.. Ya.. I am fully aware that I hunt and kill whitetail. But only an animal that I intend to eat... I intend to kill.