Found this post on another website... quite freaky.. " booby trapped treestand!!!!!!!!! A friend of my wifes husband calls me early yesterday morning. Asked if I had time to talk. I said sure it's 6am I have nothing to do.(lol) he sounded really upset. So he says I'm in the woods. I got here early hit my feeder with a flash light to see if the deer have hit it over night. The feeder is in pieces everywhere!!! He says I set it back up thinking a strong wind overturned it. I go to get into my stand and he tells me something doesn't seem right. He says I stopped on the second rung, shine my light up there and I notice a crossbow pointed right down at me. He than proceeds to tell me someone ran a string down to the ladder so when it tripped the arrow would be shot down the stand I paused for a minute, than stated are you serious?His response was yes what do I do? I told him to call the sherriff and I would call the DNR and get back to him. Long story short, they local authroities and the DNR are investigating the occurance. He is shaken up to say the least!!!!! This guy is a nice guy, and a second year hunter is all. I'm afraid someone may have ruined him and hunting for life. Just thought i'd post so some of you are aware. It's hard to believe someone would do something like this. It dang well could have killed him" This is freaking insane if people are really doing this in an effort to stop hunting. Sounds more like terrorism than animal rights activism.
That is totally messed up. Regardless of the situation to booby trap a stand with a cross bow pointed anywhere yet alone down at the person climbing should be considered criminal. Hope they catch the person who set it and hope your buddy is alright and continues to hunt.
My God that is crazy , somebody is in deep s#!t when they get found out . I sure hope that it does not deter him and he gets right back out their , don't let anybody spoil your love for the sport .
That sounds like something somebody in our state would do. It would be nice if they were able to lift some finger prints from the crossbow. If they catch the guy they should string him up by his balls. Then he can give some serious thought as to whether it was worth it....while his sack is torn off. { I'm assuming this guy was legally hunting and not tresspassing (not that it would make this OK.)}
Uh, Jeff, here's the context right? "It's just a deer!!!!" I think there has got to be more to this story.