Not speaking for others but I've never shoved that down anyones throat. Just as I pass on deer others would shoot, others pass on deer I would shoot. I've made mistakes along the way, shot some, passed on some.. Game time decision ?
I don't think I know anyone who started out as a mature deer hunter and many people never become one which is fine. I shot my share of young immature bucks in my earlier days but eventially got my fill of that.
There are some very impressive numbers up there. I hope I can get there some day. I only have 8 & 9. Haven't been hunting long enough to get any streaks.
me too. i only have a couple of deer. and those were all with rifle. looking for my first deer taken with a bow. i havent been hunting long enough either it was seriously something my friend and i decided to do but fell in love with it the first day out.
Man, I really had to dig for these numbers....... kind of fun though! 2 - 2 pointers 2 - 3 pointers 3 - 4 pointers 4 - 5 pointers 5 - 6 pointers 3 - 7 pointers 13 - 8 pointers 3 - 9 pointers 3 - 10 pointers 1 - 11 pointer 2 - 12 pointers 1 - 14 pointer
In 1997, I passed on a unicorn, and I rue the day I did it. I haven't have a shot opportunity on the wily one-pointer ever since. Now, it's illegal in PA, so for me to tag out on a unicorn, I have to travel. I have 2-10 locked down. I have no idea how many of each... Everytime I go through my bin of racks, I find deer that have already dropped off of His Majesty's radar. Same with turkey beards/spurs. No idea when/where they came from. Some of them, at least. I remember every hunt, but sometimes it just takes picking up that dusty old 3-pointer to jog my memory. Lots of good stories in those boxes...
without doing a lot of digging: bow and rifle 4-10pt 2-9pt 17-8pt 3-7pt 2-6pt 1-5pt 6-4pt 6-3pt 2-2pt 1-1pt so my streak goes from 1-10
I have so far (all with rifle) 1- 3 pt. 1- 6 pt. 2- 7 pt. 1- 10 pt. The 3 pt, 6 pt, and one of the 7s were before I started passing on bucks.
Alright I have been adding up, i got two threw nine (I swear our hunting property is incapable of producing a ten point).