I've noticed that people who like to bowhunt are people who generally like to do things with style.... For instance if you Bowhunt it is highly likely that you hunt Turkey, or you Flyfish or any of the other "Varsity" sports..... I like to bring this up at cocktail parties .... I point out the superiority of "Varsity" sports over JV sports.... It generally leads to quite livley conversations..... SB :evil:
I bet it does! I fly fish and bowhunt. When I tell a hunter I don't gun hunt, or a fisherman I don't spin fish...they assume I'm some sort of elitist. That couldn't be further from the truth. I have nothing against gun hunting or bait fishing, they just aren't my thing. I enjoy a challenge!:evil:
Yep, when they think I'm an elistis is when I have my fun.....I'll say .."yeah, I use to do that when I was a lil kid...or it got too easy...or thats a good way to get started..." LOL And always with a straight face and very understanding tone of voice as if you are talking to some one who isn't very smart.... SB Damn it's fun
I have a good friend that I hunt and fish with. He fishes bait half the time and will hunt with the muzzleloader when he feels like it. We give each other crap all the time, but it's all in good fun.
HA! Thats some pretty funny stuff, however I think I'm the exception! I LOVE bowhunting, but I only got into it because it gives me 3 extra months in IL. Any tag you can buy, any season the DNR lets me out of my cage, I'm in the woods, or in the grass, or hiding in a blind.
Charleston huh???? I've spent alot of time down there.....I live at Lake Wateree....anyway, I'm you're basic southern redneck....I'll hunt fish whatever and enjoy all of it... I was merely talking about one of my many pers. amusements...Messin w/people for my own amusement. SB:evil:
Not me, i love bowhunting and its my favorite pastime, but im not afraid to bust out the shotgun. I do it for deer and turkey seasons. As for fishing, my favorite is night fishing for cats...i do it on a weekly basis in the summer. My new adventure for this year is bowfishing though.
I get this same attitude from people on hunting forums and In real life when I tell them I hunt with a recurve. When It happens It's hardly ever a gun hunter that gives me this attitude, mostly It's the people shooting compounds and/or shooting both compounds and traditional bows. I can't stand that attitude!! I've never ever tooted my horn and never will I. It's more about Insecurity then anything when people show that kind of attitude towards any kind of hunting I believe.
I agree 100%. While I do joke back and forth with friends, neither of us believe one is better than the other. It's all in fun, just as I assume this thread for started for the same reason.
It's a shame that some people have to think that. But it works both ways, there's sloppy bowhunters, sloppy gun hunters, elitist bowhunters, and elitist gun hunters. It just can never be perfect. As for me, I love hunting with anything that I can, for anything that I can. I don't really fish anymore, just for smallmouth. But when we go on vacation to Florida, I love fishing for ocean fish. I don't think the feeling of reeling in a shark, or Amberjack can be matched. I've caught 2 pound ocean catfish that fight harder than any 6 or 7 pound freshwater cat that I've caught.
I enjoy the challenge also. I am even shooting my re-curve a lot this year because I want to take a deer with it in the fall. It seems that it will be a bit more challenging because I have a lot of practice to do by then:d I have also been looking for an inexpensive fly rod. I have never had the opportunity to try fly fishing. Funny how I saw this post because I was doing a lot of thinking about these things.
madhunter, If you plan to try fly fishing, I would suggest getting at least a mid level rod. Inexpensive fly rods are the reason many guys give it up soon after trying it. Most don't cast well and it can be easy to become frustrated. Of course that could depend on your opinion of inexpensive. Feel free to PM if I can help.