,2933,531205,00.html At least some positive light on hunting in the media. Not a lot, but you've gotta start somewhere.
"Hunters are the most conservation-friendly people out there. They are good stewards of the environment,"
I enjoyed the part where they talked about the increased amount of deer-car collisions being caused by our "need to live in the suburbs". However when you look at the state of IL, Pike Co has the highest number of said collisions, and deer in general, and is not even close to as populated as the suburbs that surround Chicago. But hey, when it comes to PETA - facts be damned!
"If you have a lust for meat, consider your health. Meat is full of cholesterol and saturated fat and devoid of fiber. A vegetarian diet isn't only more environmental it helps to prevent heart disease, cancer, and stroke," she says. "The best way to protect animals and their environment is to leave them off of your plate." This couldn't be farther from the truth...wild game in no way matches the cholesterol & fat levels of farm raised. And a vegetarian diet must be supplemented with man-made vitamins and minerals to obtain optimul health - especially for people who are very active & high energy burners.(supplements are manufactured...not very Green) All in all though - some positive light on hunting.
bz, you are 100% correct and I thought the exact same thing, but like Justin alluded to PETA doesn't let facts get in the way of their opinion.
Always liked that arguement...Insurance agencies like that one too...they love to include Pike county in their stats, even though most of their customers are Chicagoland...Pike Co's entire population is 17K :huh:
"If I said Bill O'Reilly has a hot show that doesnt mean I can come to your house and say your kids chew bubble gum" Rev. Al Sharpton What an idiot!!!!!!!!
Well, at least our food has a chance to make a run for it. Veg-heads only pick on food that can't move. Plus the ones who only eat veggies always look so sickly. You have to have a balanced diet to maintain good health.
some of these things PETA supporters will say, is SO far from the truth, it just leaves me shaking my head.